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DCC Points Failure


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Hi guys

wonder if anyone has encountered this problem

I have R8076M Y point feeding 2 other points R8073M and R8072

I have fitted DCC point clips to all 3

While other locos cross over with no problem such as my Class 56 and class 08 shunter


even my Class 4 Silver Fox

My DCC Dutchess of Sutherland gets stuck on the plastic bit in the middle when the front wheels get to that bit

I notice the dutchess has pickups on the front wheels but i can't see any other pick up connectors on the other



Also there is no power on the tiny bits of "catch rail" at this location of the points

Does anyone have experience of this problem ?

Should the "catch rails" actually be live ?

Any help would be appreciated Thank You



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When you say it gets stuck, do you mean it stops dead, or do you mean that it hooks up on something, so the driver wheels are still turning, but the loco doesn't move?

Are you using a power bus under the board to provide electrickery to the tracks?



that the pickups on the other wheels are connecting when the wheels are pressed gently sideways. (to both sides!)It could be that as the wheels deflect on the curve, they are breaking contact with the wipers.


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Thanks for the reply

Sorry when I say "stuck" I mean it goes dead at that position, as if no power is present.

And this does happen on all the points in that section, 6 in total

The loco is brand new and kept in a box to keep it clean.

I can


only see one pair of wipers on the first pair of main driving wheels ( is that wrong ? )

and even if I press the loco down etc it still is powerless

I am using a bus and in that section there are 5 connections and my volt meter shown current flowing



It is notable that even tho my shunter passes oever these points these is a slight glitch more detectable by the interuption in sound than movement

Am I using the wrong type of points or something I wonder




When you say it gets


stuck, do you mean it stops dead, or do you mean that it hooks up on something, so the driver wheels are still turning, but the loco doesn't move?

Are you using a power bus under the board to provide electrickery to the tracks?

Check that the pickups


on the other wheels are connecting when the wheels are pressed gently sideways. (to both sides!)It could be that as the wheels deflect on the curve, they are breaking contact with the wipers.


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