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What do you do with used blades?

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I’ve got a couple of craft-type knives with removeable blades on the go at any one time – both Excel with comfi-rubberised-grip – one with a straight blade and one with a curved blade. And also a razor saw with detachable blades. But what does anyone else do with used blades? I like to fit a new blade to start a new model – and certainly when I’m cutting masks for canopies – but if I buy a sharps bin, what dol I then do with the contents? At the moment I’m storing the used blades in a tin with a lid, which isn’t very satisfactory, so I’ve ordered a sharps bin… but what do I do with the  contents when that’s full? Any ideas? And does anyone know of how to dispose of used knife blades (which are still very sharp, after all) safely and legally?

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