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  1. IPA is an easy option. Made a complete mess of painting over liquid mask on an aero canopy, looked awful. Dunked the canopy in IPA and worked over with a tooth brush and easily removed. Went back to masking with tape and no one is the wiser! Also use it when I have forgotten to wash a paint brush, a soak and a rinse and resurrected paint brush. Andy
  2. It does like nicer with the skirts attached, nice job TDA. Andy
  3. Thanks James, it really is a good kit to build. Andy
  4. Skirts CA'd and hanging correctly. Have to work out how to change the depth of field on this phone camera! Andy
  5. And then the skirts, not sitting right without glue so that will be the final step. Now that, finally, I have found a CA that I can work with, nice and thin that will be a doddle.
  6. Decided on Vallejo 74.604, 70.887 and 70.872, went for a wide spread camo as for some reason my 0.2 airbrush wasn't playing nicely, so went for the 0.3 was called up (had a few schnapps by then, so looked okay to me)! To my surprise the rubber tracks worked well and in fact no adhesive was needed to keep them together. Washes were made with Humbrol weathering powders in a Decal Fix solution, easy to adjust effect with moistened cotton bud. Didn't go for caked on mud just dust.
  7. A wet Bank Holiday used worthwhile. Never attempted a build with skirts before so gave it a go. What a thoroughly enjoyable kit to put together, not to easy and not to difficult. Initial research showed that most of these skirts were coated with Zimmerite so as I haven't attempted that yet thought it was one for the future as I didn't want to make a dog's dinner of it. Plan was to make everything up as sub assemblies and then get on with painting and piecing it together.
  8. That's a shame about the skirts. As I had to dig out the IV to look at the instructions for you, I thought a rainy Bank Holiday was ideal to make it up. Andy
  9. "I'd ideally like to add those side plates to this Stug, they come with the kit, but there are no fitting instructions provided either by Airfix nor with the original Academy kit. All suggestions welcomed" Download A1351 Panzer IV instructions, steps 18 - 20 depict fixing locations. Both kits have shared sprues G and H. Brackets H23 attached to skirts G50 and G51. Andy
  10. Sorry, the Pug Ugly award has to go to either the PZL 106AR Kruk or PZL M-15 Belphagor in my opinion. Andy
  11. Agree, no advantage here for club members, we pay the same price as non-clubbers. Added a few kits to the basket and realised only 5% benefit so didn't bother as the stash is healthy at the moment. Andy
  12. Airfix are not a party to the original contract and therefore not obliged to provide remedial actions, that is for the original seller to provide to honour their Consumer Rights Act 2015 responsibilities. In this instance, the seller refunded £12 which was accepted by the original contracting party and therefore is unactionable for future claims. Unfortunate, but Airfix are not culpable for the actions of third parties. Andy
  13. A few more, the Gannet was nestled next to a 190 so not easy to photograph. Andy
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