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Points and Lights via DCC


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Hi Guys


Im looking to motorise 4 or 5 sets of points and then also add scaledale lighting (town in the centre of the layout) and 2 or 3 electronic signals. Can someone advise the best way to achieve this? I have a DCC bus running under the layout


and assume the accessory decoder is the best option? (using select controller at the mo) Only thing I don't understand is how you run all these things from 4 outputs? Would you just have 1 output for the lighting, 1 output for signals etc?




the help in advance

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The Hornby R8247 accessory decoder can be programmed to be green/red ( 2 aspect) by setting the functions (on continuous) for the decoder when you allocate the DCC ID on the programming track. It is all clearly explained in the decoder instruction sheet.




for lights: Well I wouldn't use the Select aux to power lights - just get a 12v PSU ( old laptop charger or whatever) makes sure you don't exceed the voltage etc and run your lights with a simple toggle switch on/off. If they are incandescent bulbs and you


have lots of them then you might need more amps.


Have fun!

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it is always helpful to do some sums when planning lighting.


A LED draws about 20mA (0.02 A). An incandescent lamp draws about 100mA (0.1 A). 10 x lamps = 1A; 10 x LEDs = 0.2 A.


The Select has a supply capability of 1A. the Aux on the Elite


the same.


A few LEDs here and there are insignificant but for anything more I suggest an external power supply. Consider 30 lamps on your layout. this is 3A! I recommend considering LEDs. They have the advantages of low current, many colours, various


intensities, never burn out.

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As stated above you will need an accessory decoder (PAD) e.g. Hornby R8247 to allow the point motors to operate via the DCC power and Select. Each PAD has four separate outputs working four point motors.

As a Select user you can not alter


the CV values within the PAD so you can only use the PAD as a momentary point motor supply. You would need the Elite of a similar more up market other make of DCC console to adjust CVs to allow the output to be adjusted to continuous.


If your Select


is working from its basic 1.0Amp power supply I would recommend you do one of these....

Replace the Selects 1.O Amp PSU with the Hornby P9300 4.0Amp one.

Or... Retain the 1.0Amp PSU and operate all your points and lighting requirements from totally


separate power units - e.g. 12 volt dc 1.0Amp for all lighting needs and 16 volt ac 1.0Amp or higher for all point motor feeds adding a CDU (Capacitor Discharge Unit) too if possible as this will provide a 'beefy' pulse of power to the point motor. Only one


CDU is needed for the whole layout normally. Operate the point motors from passing contact levers (Hornby R044 Black but without a CDU as these don't work well with the R044) Another make of passing contact lever (which is ok with a CDU) or sprung to centre


off toggle switches etc.

Or obtain a more up market DCC system like the Hornby Elite which offers 3.0Amp to track plus 1.0Amp at 15 volts for all your lighting requirements.

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Thanks for your help guys. I can see an elite controller being purchased!


When you say about using an old power supply - you'll have to excuse my ignorance but what do you actually do to connect the lighting?? Obviously you'd have a bespoke connection


so do you cut the wires and then.......???

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Hi Guys


I've upgraded the PSU to the 4A one so we'll start with that - thanks Flashbang. (only just ordered it so not seen the results yet) Im going to stick with std switches for the point motors mainly due to the fact i've already got them in


place with the wires through the baseboard and really only need a couple that are a bit of a reach over the layout.


As for signal lighting - does anyone have any experience of the TT range of signals? They look awesome and would love to install a few


but dont want to spend the money if there would be a problem?



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