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DCC point control


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I finally got around to start the change over from analogue to DCC point control. I am using the Hornby Elite and the Hornby R8247. The instructions suggested using group 1, output 1 to start with and got the unit to throw successively using ACC 1. The


problem came when trying to use JMRI (currently I use this for loco control) , a number of hours later and more luck than research (random button pushing) I found the R8247 output 1 to have an address of XT4.


Does anyone know how the R8247 picks its


decoder code for each of the 4 outputs? Will I have to randomly go through a long list to codes to find the correct setting for each turnout?


Help would be appreciated.



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this is interesting.....


the addressing that is exposed to the outside world from the elite via the pc interface has the points mis-addressed. I think that they are numbered from 0 but they should be numbered from 1.


In JMRI this is corrected


and with my elite and a lenz accessory decoder it all works perfectly with the points numbered XT1 (for the non-jmri X=xpressnet, T=turnout/point) to XT6.


I am guessing that the 8247 interprets the numbering in the same way as the elite. Based on this


I would guess that you points will be numbered either XT4,5,6,7 or XT4,1,2,3.


Have a try and let us know how you go.

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Thanks Gregd99.

With a bit more trial and error you supposition was correct.

hornby 1=XT4

hornby 2=XT5

hornby 3=XT6

hornby 4=XT7

I should have continued yesterday but I was getting brain fatigue and once I got the first success called


it a night.

It is interesting that this is not recorded anywhere, not even implied, it is very much a trial and error process and I still don't see the logic behind it. The next stage is to program the second module with a different group and determine


what code it allocates. I will keep you posted.


On another note I was surprised how little information on wiring came with the decoder or point motor for DCC connection. I had to search through the customer services posts to find black was common not


-ve and green was -ve. My logic was red +ve black -ve green C like the old British wire colours but I was wrong, easy to fix though.


Must say the R8247 does give a reassuring solid thump when throwing.





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