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Connecting Elite controller to the track?


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Help please with a simple query.

I've just started DCC by not buying a set but buying items separately.

With the Elite, the cable supplied to connect the Elite to the track has open wires at both ends, ok for attaching to the Elite but it seems no


good for attaching to a DCC power clip. It seems you can only plug it into a R8241 Digi Power track which I haven't purchased.

I've got a point/accessory decoder for future use and I can see there won't be a problem there as the leads are different and


that will go in a DCC power clip.

Am I doing something daft??.....otherwise it would have been helpful when buying the Elite if they warned "first-timers" that you also needed the power track rather than the power clip to connect up.

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Hi again,


On checking again, I think you do need the R8241 - which is advertised as the Digital Track connector. I mentioned earlier two different types - this subject has been raised on this forum before - I have a Digital Track connector, but


when you turn the track over it says R8206 - several people found the same. If you Google it today, the R8206 is analogue and the R8241 is digital, I believe one has a suppressor(?) under a cover where the wires connect. Don't be to surprised when purchasing


the R8241, when you open it and turn it over it says R8206. Sorry if this is confusing but you need the 8241.

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poliss said:

The only fifference between the DC and Digital power clips is that the DC power clip has a capacitor fitted. You do not need a power track to connect the Elite to the track.

I appreciate the responses but I already

know (as said in my post) that I need a power track which I don't have. Wanted to connect up today and my point is how does Elite lead supplied, which has bare wires at each end, fit to a DCC power clip which I have?
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Yes, I know....I'm used to power clips and their problems from DC. Have tried two different DCC power clips and neither work having reduced the track to a simple oval. Just trying to get first DCC fitted loco to work on Elite factory set 003. Absolutely




Not to worry, I'll get hold of a digi power track and wait till that arrives. I notice that all DCC full sets are always supplied with a power track rather than a power clip.

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Should have said..already done that so loco is fine and Elite and cable fine.


The leads going into the power clip push right in but it'snot a firm connection. In my first post I said I have an accessory decoder for future use where the cable to


the track has gripped metal round the wires and goes onto the clip ok. Should I try this lead to connect the Elite to the track to see if it works?

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poliss said:

You could do that. Have you tried folding the end of the wire to make it fit better?
The best solution, whether DC or DCC, is of course to use bus wires and solder dropper wires to the sides of the track.

Yes the

lead with the accessory decoder instead of the one from the Elite works fine in the power clip!!...so short term which was what I was bothered about problem solved.
I'll try a digi power track in due course, no reason why that shouldn't be ok, perhaps Elite

lead is faulty but looks ok.
Appreciate what you say about droppers etc...yes, definitely in the long term.
Thanks for responses poliss.
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It is much better to solder the wires to the tracks. That way you know you have a connection. I won't say 'good', because I don't know how good your soldering skills are!

As I put in another thread, you don't have to use that flimsy bit of wire that


Hornby provide. Thicker wire is better, and stronger. Just make sure it isn't too thick to go into the clips on the Elite (which I think is a silly way of doing it, too unreliable. A decent plug and socket there would work wonders!)

Just a thought, you


DID push down on the red or black little lever, to open the clip, before you put the wire in, didn't you! It's not the first time I've seen these used by wedging the wire in over the top of the clip with matchsticks!

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2e0dtoeric said:

It is much better to solder the wires to the tracks. That way you know you have a connection. I won't say 'good', because I don't know how good your soldering skills are!
As I put in another thread, you don't have to use

that flimsy bit of wire that Hornby provide. Thicker wire is better, and stronger. Just make sure it isn't too thick to go into the clips on the Elite (which I think is a silly way of doing it, too unreliable. A decent plug and socket there would work wonders!)

a thought, you DID push down on the red or black little lever, to open the clip, before you put the wire in, didn't you! It's not the first time I've seen these used by wedging the wire in over the top of the clip with matchsticks!

Will be soldering

with dropper wires long term....wanted short term solution.
If you look back the problem is the powerclip track end not with the Elite connection. I've definitely pushed down the red/black clips on the Elite end.
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