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what happens at the end of evaluation period

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Hi Tim,


Thanks for the info, I did send Simon Kohler an email asking if Hornby could look into doing a multiple licence, but he did say it would take time to work it all out.


On another forum there are a few folks saying that RM Hand Held


doesn't work on the iPAD and they've had response from support.

Which seems a bit odd to me as like you say I've had nothing but excellent customer support with all issues I've had.

In fact they are looking at one I have now, which seems an issue only


for my portable PC.






LMSTim said:


DaveAus why don't you email the support team. They normally respond very quickly.



wiggy - when it ends the program exits or you can buy another


copy and enter the key.

I think they are working on a licensing system for more than one PC but it's complicated.

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One thing I've learned Ian, in the last two years I've been on this and other forums is that there are a significant number of people who like to rubbish Hornby for no apparent reason. I think they like to think that Hornby is just a toy company and can't


believe they can produce decent products or push the boundaries.


Even on here, recently, there is one chap who will say nothing positive and it is obvious that he has allegiances with other manufacturers, which there is nothing wrong in, but why then


does he go out of his way to rubbish Hornby. It's a sad indictment of the model railway fraternity and the one thing that disturbs me a tad.


I have nothing but priase for what Hornby is doing and the way they listen to customers concerns and wishes


and do something about it (particularly with RailMaster). The RailMaster support team is unparalleled as far as I am concerned.


You live and learn, eh?


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I have also written to them with respect to a 2nd license of RM at a discounted price ( perhaps half price for subsequent instances). I suspect, that although they would like to do this ( RM/Hornby) it isn't easy to effect as the bits and pieces to know


you are a user with a 2nd licence running off a main instance of RM isn't in place at the moment.


Thing is - its not really worth the cost of a another full license which is why I suggested that the eval license for the time being ( with all its limitations)


doesn't have a cut off date.

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Hi Tim


Yes I agree with that.

I do find it a bit odd when folks have said they have sent RailMaster support a question and got no reply!

They are trying very hard to get it all up and working correctly and any issues reported back get pounced


on pretty quick so it makes the software as good as possible.

Like I said I've had responses over weekends and late evenings from support so from that I have to take a lot of comments I read with a pinch of salt.


My Chinese tablet clone works very


well and my iPAQ PDA is almost there just a couple of strange things happening.


I've had all of the wireless devices operating the layout and it's actually great when it's all working.


Hi Steve, Yes I had a similar reply from Simon, they are


going to look into it but trying to get it all sorted will take time and that's if they can do anything.

I like my evaluation copy on my desktop downstairs away from the layout I have a very simple track plan and it's all used just to test the iPAQ and


tablet for when new releases appear, on RailMaster PC and HandHeld.

It saves constantly downloading and updating the Netbook which is upstairs connected to the layout.

So for me an evaluation copy with no time limit would be great,but with limited functionality,


such as no timed sequences and limited points and locos.





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With respect to LMSTim's point, I can't agree more - I think Hornby do very well in these rather financially stressful times. I put it down to a certain 'snobbishness' amongst some in the community ' i.e. if it comes from Hornby it must be a toy' -


a sort of stop gap until you grow up and use the 'real' stuff -


Well Hornby is the 'real' stuff - not perfect, but not a stop gap toy either and it works for me!

This is the reason why I left MERG - 'oh you use Hornby - shame....' didn't you build


the controller from scratch?

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Well the evaluation copy has now expired.

It all starts up, then you have a big pop up window which says:-


" The evaluation period of this software has now expired.


Hopefully, the lengthy period has allowed you to evaluate the program



and you are now ready to purchase an upgrade or enter an Activation key from a retail copy


If you decide not to upgrade we would be grateful to know why you have chosen not to. Please email us. "


Well I sent an email why I'm not going to


buy another licence, If I must buy a second copy it will be with the E-Link device, but even then I probably won't bother.

Now when of if they do a second licence for reduced price or they offer a reduced functionality software package, such as the evaluation


copy with no time limit then I will consider buying it depending on the price of course!


We will just have to wait and see what happens.





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I think Hornby have got into a bit of a 'tizzy' over this one - and don't know how to recognise a 2nd licence running off a first. But I am not pretending its easy to match up - but not impossible for the RM team - come on guys there is


money to be made here.....



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