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Traintronics TT300


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I have used around 20 of them on my layout and had a few problems but nothing that was a show stopper.


I found you have to program them as locos and not accessories. Also program them all with cv2 set to 1 (they default as 3), this turns


off the non DCC control, if you dont do this you will get random point changing as you run locos (something to do with the points thinking the DCC signal is a normal DC signal and changing the points).


Mounting them was a pain, my advice is to throw


away the little round spacer and use some plasticard around the same thickness cut into strips with double sided tape on both sides. This allows you to position and reposition the motors under the points and test them until you are happy they move freely then


you screw them into the board. If you use the spacer provided you will find the motors tend to pivot when in use. Cut a slot that is the size of the sleeper with the hole in under the points and make sure no underlay is in the way. If you have problems cutting


a slot then drill a 1cm hole and use card stuck to the baseboard to fill the excess (so the ballast has something to rest on).


Then as I say fit using the double sided tape on the spacer, move the pin to the middle of the motor, check the motor is positioned


properly with the blades of the point in the middle (not set either way), stick the motor down and test it with power. Once it moves with no problems then fit the screws to hold it in place.


Even though you program as a loco you use as an accessory


as normal.


Hope that helps



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Greg, I'm pretty sure that what he means is, as the TT300 has a built-in decoder, you program it directly rather then through a point accessory decoder. So you give it a number just like when programming a loco number. Would be best to allocate a block


of numbers for them.

Not sure how you operate them though, assuming you just address them and turn up the throttle to get them to operate. Any info from others would be useful here. And how might you get RM to recognise them as a point not a loco?

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What I mean is I found that to get the accessory number to stick I had to renumber them as if they were locos (not checked but maybe the CV numbers are different to standard accessories for the addresses). When you come to use them you still call them


as if they were accessories and not locos so you toggle left or right.


Of course you can still program them using the CV locations directly if you wanted to.


Hope that makes more sense



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Just looking at the manual and for programming numbers you do the following


for address 1 to 255 you set CV9 to 0 and CV1 to the address


For adresses between 256 and 2044 you divide the address by 256, put the whole number result in CV9 and


the remainder in CV1


So my method would only work for values below 256




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