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Accessory decoder 8216 and prodigy


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I am seeking further help regarding the addressing of the early hornby decoders r8216 using the prodigy controller. I was referred to flash bangs thread on this subject in which reference is made to charging the decoder on the main track for approximate


20seconds then after that to connect to the program terminals on the prodigy advance controller and follow the instructions in the Manual. I do not appear to have had a great success in this regard and failed to address. The prodigy makes reference to using


specific value 513 which seems perhaps to apply to most accessory decoders but I do not know the what this cv value refers to. The manufacturer implies that there may be some difficulty in addressing these old decoders and suggested using a select to carry


out the addressing without the need to buy what will be a number of new decoders. Does anybody have any thoughts on this and thanks in advance for any info

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To use the PA2 to programme a Hornby PAD (Accessory decoder see the PA2 manual page 17. Connect the decoder to the Programming track output.

The manual states ....


1. Press PROG until you reach


“Prog Prog Track”

2. Press ENTER until “CV #” displays

3. Enter 513. Press ENTER.

4. Enter the Accessory Decoder address. Press ENTER. Read your Accessory Decoder

instructions for proper addressing.


Note: The decoders address would normally


start at 1.

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