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elite voltage


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had an issue with a couple of locos jerking badly today.have a large layout 16' x 6' with a lot of track.had about 10 locos on it but was only running two.Thought it might be a power issue and checked track voltage which was 13v.


restarted the elite


and it was 16v but then drops back to 13v.


understand it should be 15v so would the drop to 13v be enough to cause any probs.



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The output voltage from any DCC controller should be measured with an AC meter, and even then, it is only a guide, because it is not a true measurement of what is being emitted.

Are you using a bus system for the track power, or relying on a single



What do you mean by jerking? Does the loco (s) take off like a startled rabbit when you power up the Elite, or are they staggering as they run round the track? If it is the first, try disabling the dc option on the decoder. If the second, it


could be a bad connection, dirty track or loco pickups, etc.

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I agree with 2e0's point but I assume you are using an AC meter as DC would be reading zero. Whether it's a true measure, which it isn't, or not is a little academic though. The problem is obviously the change to the lower voltage.

But do your other


locos still work ok with the lower voltage indicated? If so, it is probably the dirty track or loco problem that 2e0 suggests. And are the locos jerking ones with fewer pickups? That would be another dirt indication.

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