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Railmaster App

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BigNoj said:

Fought against my principles and bought the app last night. Got the activation code within two and a half hours, put the code in and it worked perfectly, all my locos and points worked fine, better than evaluation version that

only worked for a few clicks. Got home from work and couldn't wait to try it on my IPad, didn't work only in evaluation mode. Rang support who told me I would need to purchase another code or uninstall RM and reinstalll for IPad. Thought about it for a couple

of mins and realised I would lose everything so rang them back and suddenly they couldn't help and I would have to email railmaster support, awaiting response.

Can u please tell me where I can get this app for my iPad been looking everywhere

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Open the Railmaster program, go to Help and select latest news. All is revealed in there. If to I have problems with the networking as described in the installation guide you are asked to download first, look further up this thread where there is detailed



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BigNoj said:

I had similar problems with the eval version but when I bought the full version hey presto everything worked perfectly and I am very pleased with it. Hopefully it will be upgraded to reflect better what is on the RM screen such

as background colour and point indicator lines but it is nice to see that it has moved into the 21at century. Now if we could get them to forget about voice control and concentrate on the detection system that would be something.

I'm assuming you

mean the evaluation version of the app? If so, I found that too. Although it says the app will run in evaluation mode, mine never did.
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Fishmanoz said:

Open the Railmaster program, go to Help and select latest news. All is revealed in there. If to I have problems with the networking as described in the installation guide you are asked to download first, look further up this

thread where there is detailed advice.

Second sentence should read If you have, not If to I have - iPad spell correction strikes again.
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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi, Iam new to the handheld fray. I have followed your comments and help for Macchuff and find myself at a similar point of frustration. My ipad (with PC firewall off) goes straight to the app and says it is connecting but only shows the screen with two


boxes on the left and no track plan. There is no response on the laptop at all. I have tried both methods re IP addresses. I don't quite know how to check on port numbers. My railmaster pc runs on COM5. Is this relevant? Also, sorry to show my ignorance but


can you explain the PING test? Also,also (!) how do you allow a prog through the firewall permanently. I am using Norton 360 and can see Railmaster in the list of allowed progs but assume this means the main prog on the laptop. How do you allow the ipad through


the firewall?? Would appreciate any suggestions as Iam determined to get this working.

Fishmanoz said:


Macchuff, the IP addresses you are using look remarkably like the sample addresses in the manual, rather than your real IP addresses, although


the ping test does seem to suggest otherwise. But the fact you are waiting 10 minutes also says the RM on your computer is not recognising any app on the iPad.

Anyway, it is easy to check this out by going back to the start and resetting your TCP/IP Configuration


to the address being obtained automatically - yes, get rid of the static address. Now open a command window and type ipconfig and note what results you get for:

IPv4 Address

Subnet Mask

Default Gateway

When I do this, the numbers look nothing like


the examples given in the manual except for the subnet mask They are in fact:

Now, whatever numbers you got from ipconfig, go back to TCP/IP Configuration, Set Static IP Address, and enter those numbers. You might


note that mine tried to tell me the subnet mask was but I entered anyway. Having done this, press Apply/OK until you are right out of all the boxes you went into to do the setting. Double check by typing ipconfig again and see that


you still have what you set.

Now open RM on your computer and the RM app on the iPad again and put the IP4 address in the app settings and return to the home screen. There should be an instantaneous response from RM on the laptop saying there is an unregistered


app there and asking you to upgrade, enter your registration code or exit.

Good luck.

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Hi Richard, welcome to the forums, you'll find lots of knowledgeable people here who are happy to share and help.


Notwithstanding what you've done, and I'm going to ask you to explain that to me, step by step, what you've told me has happened with


your iPad tells me that it can't see the RM server on your PC, and vice versa. As I said in my last para, once the two see each other, there is an instantaneous response from each, the iPad app recording 2 locos and your track plan, and the server reporting


the presence of the app.


So lets try to see what's wrong. For a start, let me answer your question about the ping command. For a start, every web site in the Internet has an IP address, as does every piece of hardware connected to a network. The ping


command lets you check that fact. Ping is a "DOS command" so you use it from a command window to see if your PC can see the site or the device. So, as an example, at the command prompt in your command window type ping Microsoft.com, hit Enter and, assuming


you are connected to the Internet, it should do 4 tests and tell you the time it took to get a response back from the site. Now go to WiFi Settings on your iPad, tap the arrow on the right of your network it is connected to and you should be able to see the


IP address that it is using. Now ping that address from the PC and agin, it should tell you that it has been able to find it and that the response time was very short, shorter then finding Microsoft.com on another continent.


Now if that worked, go


back to your command window and type ipconfig and hit Enter, just as I described above. Go through that process of starting with auto configured IP, use ipconfig to find out what is allocated, then set them as the static addresses, just as I described. Now


all you need to do is open the app, go into its settings and set the IP address to the PC server IP4 address, and everything should happen. If it does, you have been successful. If not, I would like you to tell me step by step what you've done, including what


addresses you found with ipconfig and what you set in the app,and we'll see if we can find what has gone wrong.


By the way, COM5 has nothing to do with this. It is the port number that connects your PC to the Elite via the USB cable. Also, if Norton


has Rm in its list of allowed programs, then it should always allow it. Is easy to check though, turn Norton off temporarily and see if it makes any difference (it shouldn't). Don't forget to turn it back on afterwards. Also, you can safely turn off the Windows


firewall in the Windows Security Settings as yo

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