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Can somebody help me out. I've got a 10ft by 5ft layout being built up with two tracks that split into four running lines and back again. I have wired the layout using the express models DCC non solder power bus kit with PECO code 100 streamline points


and track with points that are large radius insulated frog points. I pluged it all in with special chocbloc connectors on each board/section and when I plug the controller in the whole thing shortens out. I took the wiring apart and ensured nothing metal is


on the rails and all wires are soldered properly but I just don't know what's wrong. Can somebody give me some suggestions or advice please? I've been whacking my brains out for the last few weeks and have gotten no-where!

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I agree with poliss that you are looking for a probable polarity reversal with one or more of your bus connections.

To prove this, disconnect the bus connectors one by one until the short disappears. The last one disconnected will be your reversed


connection. Correct this then reconnect one by one and the short may recur if you have more then one reversals. Keep correcting reversals until you have all bus connections remade and no short.

If this doesn't work, the likelihood is that your layout has


a reversing loop. Is it possible that you can run a train in one direction from a point in the layout and have it arrive back at this point from the other direction? If so, that is a reversing loop and you will have to isolate it and use a reversing loop module.

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I agree with Poliss, you have got one or more dropper wires crossed over somewhere.

As suggested by Poliss the simplest testing method is to take a four wheeled wagon and along one long side place a piece of tape - PVC insulating tape, masking


tape or even a small band aid plaster, it really doesn't matter so long as it wont fall off.

Now place the wagon onto the track so as the taped side is directly above a rail that has the red dropper wire (I say Red but the colour used is up to you so long


as different colours are used for the two rails!). The taped side of the wagon now indicating the rail directly below it that has the red dropper wire which goes to the red bus wire below - Visually check that is correct. Obviously the opposite side rail has


the other coloured dropper wire (say Black) connected to it.

Now the most important thing is not to remove the wagon during any of the checks. So by finger push the wagon around the track, every time you reach a dropper wire the taped side of the wagon


and its rail directly under it must have the red dropper wire connected. Move into sidings and loop to loop by using the points - Don't lift the wagon off the rails to move anywhere.

Obviously all the red droppers must connect to the red coloured bus wire


and all black coloured droppers to the black bus wire.


When you have finished and you're sure every dropper has been checked and if necessary corrected, remove the wagon and take off the piece of tape. Now your rails are all connected correctly to the


bus and no short should be found.


If there is a short then you need to investigate further - Remove all locos and rolling stock and retest, if short is still present then look something metal bridging across the rails. Or the use of an Electrofrog point


that hasn't had two Insulated Rail Joiners (IRJs) fitted to its Vee rails.

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Reading the opening words - - I've got a 10ft by 5ft layout being built up with two tracks that split into four running lines and back again.

This sounds like an out and back layout, not a tailchaser.

In which case, our writer needs a reversing


module, and insulating breaks in the loop.

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Well I guess that could be the problem as I've got one point that is slightly faulty. and with only two connections made before the express points I have power on one set of rails and not the other. I'll look at this and maybe replace the faulty point.


Thanks for the advice. I'll let you know how I get on.

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