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Ipad Railmaster App

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My Ipad app will not start when the internet is not present. The literature clearly states that the handheld app can be used at shows etc. just by using a wi-fi router, however when I turn the internet off my router the ipad app fails to start. I am sure


this is because it is a web based app and requires the internet to run it everytime. Has anyone else had this problem? My problem is the location where my layout is has not got internet access only a wifi router.

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Note: RailMaster and RailMaster HandHelds do not require an Internet connection to work, so you could take your complete set- up, including wireless router or access point to a different location, for example an exhibition and still use the hand-held apps.



from Handheld Guide in RM 1.48.

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The RailMaster handheld app does not require an Internet connection, provided it has completely downloaded to your device. It there is an update pending then it will want to download it.


I use mine away from my Internet connection and it works fine,


also on my android phone.

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Yes it is still functioning as the router is still showing ip's for my iPad and the PC with railmaster on it. It is clearly a problem with the railmaster app, are we still supposed to go to www.my-apps.eu for the iOS apps? Because when I do all it does


is prompt me to make a shortcut and that is all. Very exasperating, why couldn't they have put it in the iTunes Store as a proper downloadable app???

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Not just for each iDevice but potentially each iDevice on each RM server, although you should be able to de-activate on one and reactivated on another. Except in my case where the eval version has expired and you can't de-activate - still waiting for Support


to get back to me on this by the way.


But Owlman, this still sounds like a wifi problem not an app/Internet problem. I know you say you've checked the router but can I suggest you also check the iPad and the PC and see what they have to say. Another


way of doing it would be to open a command window on the PC and ping each of the router and iPad IP addresses and see if it can see both of them. Clearly the iPad is the important one rather then the router although it won't be able to see the iPad without


the router.

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Looks like it's a problem with the app - just did a test by unplugging the internet cable from the computer but left the internal wireless network up and running. RailMaster was fine but when I tried to start the app all I got was a blank screen. Brought


the internet back and it worked perfectly.


An interesting aside was that the iPad is 3G and hence was still internet capable so the app must be looking to RailMasters host for the connection.

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I think all you've shown is that your PC's connection to wifi is via the Ethernet connection to the router. A better test would have been to leave everything as is but unplug the ADSL phone cable from the router.


But try testing this way as well


- unplug the cable from the router as you have done. Now enable a wifi connection to your network. This will be easy if you are using a laptop but may not be possible at all if you are using a desktop that doesn't include a wifi card.

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Fishmanoz said:

I think all you've shown is that your PC's connection to wifi is via the Ethernet connection to the router. A better test would have been to leave everything as is but unplug the ADSL phone cable from the router.


try testing this way as well - unplug the cable from the router as you have done. Now enable a wifi connection to your network. This will be easy if you are using a laptop but may not be possible at all if you are using a desktop that doesn't include a wifi


That's what I did FMoz disconnected the ADSL Cable at the router - wireless network from PC, to Laptop to iPad was still going strong.
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Fishmanoz said:

I think all you've shown is that your PC's connection to wifi is via the Ethernet connection to the router. A better test would have been to leave everything as is but unplug the ADSL phone cable from the router.


try testing this way as well - unplug the cable from the router as you have done. Now enable a wifi connection to your network. This will be easy if you are using a laptop but may not be possible at all if you are using a desktop that doesn't include a wifi


That's what I did FMoz disconnected the ADSL Cable at the router - wireless network from PC, to Laptop to iPad was still going strong.
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