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Princess Class loco power needs ?


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Good evening too all, I am currently changing all my locos too DCC, I have put an eight pin decoder in my Princess class loco and it runs fine but requires twice the amount of power too get it too run than any of my other trains, even without carriages


before you ask...

Does anybody else have this issue ?

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When you run a loco on DCC the top voltage at the motor will be less than that on DC. DC voltage is a nominal 12V but most controllers put out 15 to 16V. On DCC, the motor voltage is PWM (pulse width modulated) which will when compared to DC be a nominal


max 12V, so the motor will not run as fast.


The decoders CVs need to be set. there are various changes you can make PROVIDED your controller will do this some wont.


CV1 is the address which you will already know about, each loco


needs its own

CV2 is V start (start voltage). In a perfect world all your motors would start at 1 on your controller but they don't, for various reasons. a) motor type b) friction in the drive train. c) weight of the loco. d) lack of lube.



CV2 by increasing it until the loco moves then you decrease it again until it just stops. Again increase until it just starts to move again. Store that number. Now on speed step 1 the loco should start to move.

CV3 & 4 are momentum,


these settings give a more realistic acceleration and deceleration rate as the speed is increased. When CV3 & 4 are 0 then no momentum is applied.

CV5 is V high or top speed. Allows you to give realistic top speed to your locos,


so that an 0-4-0 tank doesn't break Mallards speed record.

CV6 is V-mid or the middle speed. Note this must be lower that V high. a setting of 60% would be quite realistic.

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