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Can headlights be dimmed?


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Hi Guys,

I have several diesel Locos with the domino headcodes, these look fine when not lit but when lit the whole black panel turns to the yellow light colour. I was wondering if there is a setting on the decoder which would let me dim the lights


so would not be as bright and would bring to brightness down to a acceptable level.

Any help welcome and thanks in advance.



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Pete, no decoder setting for that which I am aware of, decoder functions are either on or off. Doesn't mean it's not possible though - what you would need is a bigger series resistor in circuit for the LED, assuming it is a modern loco using LEDs. These


days though, it may mean removing the existing resistor from a printed circuit board and replacing. You'd need to check the specifics of your locos for that.

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Good one poliss. Understand what that is about. Unfortunately, it is manufacturer specific, not including Hornby, and requires the decoder to include a 5V supply for the dim lights, the use of function mapping and user defined CVs. So unless you want to


go for those specific decoder types, or the capability is in your sound decoder, the only option will be the higher series resistor I suggested above.

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That's manufacturer defined CVs, not user defined.


When I got your reply, I had already started to see what I could find in the CV standards at http://www.dccwiki.com/Configuration_variable#Mode_Control_.28CV29.29 but it is not obvious at first


reading, especially due to the use of CVs 43-64 and above 107, and the interface between these and the function outputs.

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