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Setting speed on Railmaster

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I have one train which goes slow on Railmaster, however I set it off with the Elite today and it shot round the track.


Have looked on the forum but am unable to find out how to adjust speed settings on Railmaster.


Can somebody give me some


simple hints. I am not PC literate.

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Having sat in morrisons car park for the last hour with nowt else to do, I've come up with a solution.


I believe it cant be the CVs, otherwise it would not run ok with the Elite


I have changed on Railmaster my class 20 to a 37 and renamed


it as class 20 on the screen, this now runs perfectly.


Do other people have similiar problems when putting B trains on.

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Is it anything to do with the 'cruise' speed or 'shunt' speed setting that may be pre-allocated?

As far as I know, the class 37 is a much faster loco than the class 20 and RailMaster probably only takes the loco up to the pre-allocated


speed so by re-allocating a different loco type it will run at that loco's speed.

I guess though that it was more realistic before?

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I think you are both right here. RM contains speed tables for all loco types and so the top speed will be the correct model speed for that prototype. You can change it by changing the V max CV. DCCWiki is a good site to find a CV table to find the correct


CV for this, and all other CVs too.

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One thing to note, though. If you play about with the loco CV speed settings, you'll invariably affect the RailMaster scale speed system for that loco. You also need to remember that RailMaster has built in all the variants of each loco, e.g. about 10


different Flying Scotsman locos alone, because each has a different motor, gearing arrangement and therefore will run at different speeds. It is important to choose absolutely the right loco (preferably by the R number) to ensure that it is the one with the


correct motor/gearing. The scale speed system will then work properly.


If it doesn't then it is invariably due to loco CVs having been changed from the default settings, or faulty loco decoders or motor. You can reset the loco chip by writing 0 to CV


7, I believe (you'll need to double-check this).


I have over 200 locos, even very old Hornby ones and they all run nicely when the scale speed system is switched on. You can, of course, switch scale speed off entirely within settings but I would never


do that.


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  • 2 weeks later...
David55 said:

Having sat in morrisons car park for the last hour with nowt else to do, I've come up with a solution.

I believe it cant be the CVs, otherwise it would not run ok with the Elite

I have changed on Railmaster my

class 20 to a 37 and renamed it as class 20 on the screen, this now runs perfectly.

Do other people have similiar problems when putting B trains on.

Hi David, thanks for that suggestion which I will try tomorrow. My B Class 20 does exactly

the same.
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Worked a treat. Now all I have to do is work out how to stop the long whistle on my Hornby Class 5 Black. Once started you can't stop it no matter how many times you press the button. I've tried inserting a macro to Pause for x seconds then Turn Off .....


which works ..... but then it sounds again ..... and again ..... and again .... When activated from the Elite it works as it should.

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There's no "glitch" in the software.


I find a 2 second pause followed by 'pressing' the function function is enough for a 2-second whistle on my Black 5 sound. I have never had to alter any default macro setting when selecting a Hornby sound loco.


They all work for me.


You need to ensure your comms are working reliably. That means ensure Com port below 5, good USB cable, working USB port, no USB hub in the way, Standard mode, firmware 1.3 or greater ... in fact all the things mentioned in the




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LMSTim said:

There's no "glitch" in the software.

I find a 2 second pause followed by 'pressing' the function function is enough for a 2-second whistle on my Black 5 sound. I have never had to alter any default macro setting when selecting

a Hornby sound loco. They all work for me.

You need to ensure your comms are working reliably. That means ensure Com port below 5, good USB cable, working USB port, no USB hub in the way, Standard mode, firmware 1.3 or greater ... in fact all the things

mentioned in the manual.
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Lucky you LMS ! The point of the macro is to dispense with the second pressing of the button. As I explained, once pressed the button no longer responds. As Graskie has the very same problem it strongly suggests a software glitch to me.

It is using


COM 4, I have a brand new, short, high quality screened USD cable, no hub and the USB Port works perfectly. My Elite is in Standard Mode, Version 1.41. RailMaster Software Vers 1.50 In fact EVERYTHING Mentioned in Manual Version 1.50 So unless they have had


to issue an update since last night, I'd say my system is up to date and meets all the requirements. Having said that, I like what I have seen so far, and if this is only glitch in the software I can live with it.

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"Hooligan" presumably you have sent a Help Request to the support guys, or emailed them. What was their answer?


Do you have other software running in the background that is taking up lots of processing time, like bad antivirus software (Norton and


McAfee spring to mind)? Even MS Office grabs a lot of system resources just sitting there apparently doing nothing.


The macro should just send the command after the number of seconds spcified, to latch the sound off again. You haven't edited the name


of the function? I believe the phrase "on/off" must be in there if it is a latching function.


It's got to be something fundamental on your system as I am also running complex programs with sound locos and all the functions work fine (as long as you


remember to leave enough time after certain functions to fire points and signals as it says in the manual).


I haven't had to change any of the default macros for the Hornby sound locos I have.


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Thanks LMSTim. Yes I do have antivirus stuff which I'll turn off to see if it has any effect. I have not edited the name of any of the functions. I also need to try another sound loco to see if it also has the problem. Thanks for the suggestion, I'll report


back when I've had time to play some more.

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Well, just to throw a cat in among the pigeons, I have updated my RailMaster to v1.50. Whereas previously the said long whistle macro worked, it no longer does on my City of Sheffield. Unlatching makes no odds until ages later and, attempting to unlatch


seems to make the whistle start up time and time again until it eventually decides to stop. Also, said loco which I had previously programmed now goes in the wrong direction, both using my Elite on its own or together with RM. Added to that, I seem to have


to press, re-click or even double or more fast click the mouse button, to get some functions to work. I have tried to reprogram the loco but it makes no odds (red light flashes 18 times?). I have tried switching off both the Elite and RM together, and having


another go, but still no success. Sorry, Tim, but quite a few people are having problems. I wish we all weren't and feel especially concerned for those who know very little about these things. I really, really don't wish to complain but.......it's so


frustrating. All I want is to run trains but seem to spend most of my valuable train time just trying to get things to work properly.

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And......I had tried to reverse the loco's direction as per Elite instruction book, and nothing happened. Have a look at http://www.2mm.org.uk/articles/cv29%20calculator.htm previously suggested by poliss elsewhere. This helps. I do in fact understand


binary maths, having programmed in machine code on my old Atari years ago. So, I put the loco onto the programming track, read CV 29 (couldn't seem to do that on the main railway - got XXX) which came out at 34. According to the table shown I increased that


by 1 (reverse direction) to 35, set it, and, hey presto! Another problem solved. But why have to reverse loco direction?

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Hi Graskie, it worked ! ...... but ! Now, in the larger Loco Control Window the buttons seem a little tempremental, sometimes working, sometimes not (the button visibly responds, but no action follows) and they are not colour co-ordinated with the smaller


screen. ie when the sound has been turned on using the small window and the button goes green, it remains grey on the larger window which could cause confusion. I don't recall that happening before.

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I'll check my system for that. I find it's worth coming out of RM, removing the USB lead from your PC, and resetting the Elite by turning it off and then back on after a short wait. I then put the USB lead back into the PC, and fire up RM again. For some


reason, I find that certain changes just don't seem to work unless you do that. However......

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I'd really like to do what I can before resorting to that, Fishy. I seem to be correcting quite a few things. I've used RM Support before now and found them extremely helpful, so I could well end up resorting to them if absolutely essential.




are you getting on, HH?

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