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Railmaster plan design problems.

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I have drawn up my track plan in the demo version of RM (pending receipt of my eLink + real RM) inputting only the 4 points I am allowed for now.


As the plan progressed I had to move track stuff around (these points are too close, etc - you know


the story)and in doing so I am left with what can best be described as artefacts (2 adjacent red circles each with attached yellow triangles - and looking a bit like contacts in a relay - why can't we post pictures direct on this forum).

The artifacts are


not visible in design view only in operating view, hence I cannot select them in design view as I cannot see them and cannot select them in operating mode even though they are visible on screen. They appear to have no function and may have been left behind


when I moved my points.

Anyone any ideas what they are and how can I get rid of them and in doing so would they affect function of those items moved.

Thanks Rob

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When you save the plan, exit and go back in are they still there, even after re-starting RailMaster?


If it's a complex plan and you don't want to start again just send a help request to Hornby from within the software and explain what has happened.


It'll automatically send your plan to them and they can tidy it up, I'm, pretty sure.

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Thanks Tim

A full closedown of RM and a restart of the pc solved it.

I've seen artefacts before in CAD applications and they had a redraw facility that got rid of them.

My plan is a fairly simple 4 track end to end with assorted crossovers - limited


in functionality (no. of points and locos) as it is still the demo version.


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