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Hi All

I am running Railmaster and have all my points with surface mounted motors.

When first installed, 6 of the units made a noise but no movement. I tried loosening the screws etc but nothing happened.

I did however notice that

on railmaster when switching double points, it showed one open and one closed. I changed the red and green around and this worked.

I did this to the other problem motors and they all came to life. All my motors are on the straight side of the points.


programming the decoders, I followed the instructions on the sheet that came with them. They worked first time.

I have now tried my first recording and think Railmaster is fantastic. Cant wait for next years update.

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After a bit of trial and error I have got RM to see the points and throw them correctly. For each cross, I have only one set of points marked on RM as I tend to run the layout one way and I am going to build the lighting system appropriately.

I have to say that having RM to switch the points is 100% easier than the elite. I think without RM I would have to go back to the 'old way' but with RM it is reliable and works each time. Also the recharge even on a double throw is very fast - 1sec.

So this means that one decoder can control eight points ( 4 cross-overs ) with ease as it is unlikely that I would operate more than one set within say 10 secs of the other.

I only have the evaluation, but I can really see the potential now for lots

of fun with it in the future. If it had a way of feedback sensors so that there would be no possibilty of collisions on the crossovers that would be the icing on the cake.

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  • 3 months later...
I have nine team digital decoders, 5 of them work fine, the other four don't accept programming.
When you try and make a switch turn the light on the decoder does not light up. I have tried resetting the decoders to factory settings and reprogramming

them and they still dont work. I am powering them with a prodigy advanced system. Any help would be appreciated.
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I have an R8247 decoder with one of its ports controlling 4 points. It works 95% of the time. (The other 5% I am never sure that I did not make a mistake when addressing it - I am using the Select controller.) Another port controls 2 points - works fine.
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