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e link/dcc


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i have got a four track layout but one of the tracks i want separate from the other tracks as the only train on it will be an HST, even though this track crosses one or two of the other tracks how do i get the power to the outside track because i know


you use the clips on the points but i'm using crossover tracks. any advice??

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If you are using DCC and you have the clips on the points, the power will automatically flow onto your entire layout. You do not need to separate any parts of it, even if you only want to run one particular loco on that track.


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I don't think he is using points to connect the HST only track.

This second on is only crossing the others.

In this case you need to have either a second power rail, which you feed from the same place on the controller as the first or solder wires


from the rails on the main tracks to the same rail on the HST track i.e. from the outer rail to the outer rail and from the inner rail to the inner rail

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