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The elink experience


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Having just retired and looking for a hobby I've just ejected my car from the garage and started building a medium size model railway.The layout is well under way and wired for digital control. After looking at a number of other controllers,I have gone


ahead and purchased the Hornby elink system.

Over the coming weeks I'm planning to keep everyone up dated with my progress,After speaking with my son, who like all young people seems to a genius on computers he's come up with the following suggestion which


I intend to adopt.

The first thing ive done is to down load a " touch mouse app " to my android phone this was s free and easy to do. This effectively gives me control over the mouse and keyboard anywhere within range of the wifi connected to my PC.In my


case the PC is the spare bedroom upstairs and i want control over the PC from the integral garage,all will become clear in a moment on how this will work in practise.

The next item ive ordered is VGA spiltter,for those that dont know, and i didnt its effectively


a "double plug " which allows you to wire two monitors into your PC.I've also ordered a 20 metre VGA extension cable which Im going to run from the PC, upstairs, to the garage.This will be plugged into a spare television in the garage which i'm using as a


second monitor.

For those still with me,this effectively will allow me to see and operate the Hornby elink system with my android " touch mouse app " on the second monitor in the garage.The splitter and cable came to £15,when these and the Hornby elink


arrive i'm going to download the programme and connect the cabling to the garage, once this has been done I will update you with my progress.

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Spare television or spare monitor? If its a TV, then its safe to say it probably wont have a VGA input. My advice would be to buy a very cheap asus notebook and have everything you need in the same room.


You certainly dont want to be up and own


the stairs if problems arise (and they do). Elink was devised to facilitate ease f use and enhance the user experience, and having your front end control solution else where in the house will impact that ability greatly.



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