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RailMaster Themes?

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alan10 said:

In RM:-
Spanner->Loco Detection->Program colour scheme->Drop Down Menu

Thanks for the replies, got it now. Not the most obvious of places they could have put it! I see from page 23 they call them Schemes,

I was searching for themes!
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Fishmanoz said:

Sorry DG, thought I gave you the hint they were called colour schemes by using that terminology in my post, should have been more explicit.

I knew I wasn't cracking up :-) When RailMaster installs, it creates

a directory called "Themes" and even in the Release Notes text file they call them themes. Oh well!

As for page 23, "chocolate teapot" springs to mind as it tells you nothing about where they put the Schemes drop down menu. Hopefully in a future release

they will make the general tab bigger and put it where its logical.
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DG, I agree it might be more logical in General but in the Colour Schemes section that takes up all of page 23 of the manual, it says at the bottom to select the scheme desired from the pull-down list in the Loco Detection tab of the Settings Window. Surely


you can read that before the teapot melts?

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No problem, I've fallen into that trap too. You might note that the standard update installation now puts the latest version of all the manuals onto your desktop. Consequently I've now given up storing a copy of the manual in a particular place and just


use the desktop one.

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