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Multiple monitors

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I've only played a little with the demo version but does the full version allow use of multiple monitors, or at least two monitors? Could you for example display the schematic layout on a wall mounted flat screen and use a second, or laptop monitor to


control locos, points etc?

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37lover, first, RDS is correct. And the answer to your question is no. You can have it showing on more than one monitor but only if they are cloned (same output on both displays) not extended (different outputs for each display).


You can achieve


it to some extent using a handheld app and showing different amounts of layout and locos on each.


I wonder if RM Support has a view on what might be coming in this regard in a future upgrade?

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I think it is quite a novel idea being able to display the layout on a wall mounted flat screen monitor. We have a thread running under the RailMaster section of this forum called 'Desirable features for future updates' I suggest you add your


idea to that thread.


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37lover said:

I've only played a little with the demo version but does the full version allow use of multiple monitors, or at least two monitors? Could you for example display the schematic layout on a wall mounted flat screen and use a second,

or laptop monitor to control locos, points etc?

I have displayed railmaster partial on my laptop and the other half on a monitor, this was achieved by setting my laptop for two monitors with extended view. Nothing to do with railmaster done

through the laptop (Toshiba Satellite) display settings.
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