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RailMaster Static IP warning

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I'm just starting to get to grips with RailMaster/eLink and I was wondering if anybody was aware of a way to prevent the repeated display of the warning message about requiring a static IP address? A quick search of these forums doesn't seem to offer a


clue and apologies if I've missed it somewhere.


Most modern routers can allocate the same IP address to a given MAC address, without the need to dispense with the flexibility of DHCP. From a software perspective the effect is the same, but the warning


message within RailMaster lacks the customary tick box that says "I've read this, no need to tell me again."



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@Fishmnoz thanks I'll go ahead and suggest to RM Support that they add this option. But using a static IP is not a realistic option on a machine which is routinely connected to multiple networks. I'm sure to forget to flip back to DHCP and its an unnecessary


pain doing so anyway.


@RDS I'll happily add this to the list, just so others are aware RM Support have been asked.


I'll share any feedback received from RM Support..



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