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Dead Elite Loco Address


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One of my Elite loco address has stopped operating the motor but functions still work. This seems to have been triggered by sending sound function commands to quickly from RailMaster :-(


My question is, is it possible to reset just the dead address


without resetting the whole Elite unit and loosing all the loco names I've entered?


(I was using a sound loco from the other side which works perfectly if I re programme it to another address)

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You would think the address is still programmed correctly if the functions still work. You should be able to read the address with the Elite to confirm this. Look at the manual as to how you do this.


If this seems to be ok, you could reset the


decoder to default, usually by writing 8 to CV8. This will set the address to the default 03. Will it work on this address, and can you then change to the address you want.


If all of that works OK, I would be looking for a broken wire or burnt out


motor if it still fsils to move.

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Thanks for both replies.


I have reset the decoder with cv8 to 8, three times, confirmed by the address changing back to 03. When on 03 everything worked so I changed the address back to 37 and again the motor would not power. So I set the address


to 38, and everything works again.


So it's loco address 37 that has the problem. I even tried another train reprogrammed to address 37 and that would not work either when set to 37. Everything pointing to Elite and my original question if you can reset


just one address without resetting the whole elite unit?

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I've just posted a new thread entitled "Sound but no movement", and having just re-read this thread, I think we have both encountered the same problem. I think some sort of status flag has been set in the Elite's memory (in your case for the


loco with address 37) which is inhibiting movement of the loco, but not interfering with other functions. So changing the address from 37 to something else uses a different memory slot in the Elite's memory, effectively clearing the flag.


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St1ngr4y said:

I've just posted a new thread entitled "Sound but no movement", and having just re-read this thread, I think we have both encountered the same problem. I think some sort of status flag has been set in the Elite's

memory (in your case for the loco with address 37) which is inhibiting movement of the loco, but not interfering with other functions. So changing the address from 37 to something else uses a different memory slot in the Elite's memory, effectively clearing

the flag.

I agree Ray, this does sound like the same problem. Mine has not reoccurred since changing to a new address and by using RailMaster slowly! At the time, I do not believe my issue was triggered by a short, but its impossible

to say now. There is certainly an underlying issue here that I hope gets investigated and resolved.
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