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confirmation failed ?

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I have no problems with railmaster/elink , except for, when, on railmaster, I write the four digit, dcc code to the decoder, railmaster, used to write the code, but now comes on screen with confirmation failed, so at the moment I am writing decoder codes,


with my elite, any idea, why confirmation fails on my railmaster ? and how can I cure this,? railmaster is 1.53 ?


And is there any way of using a dc controlled locomotive, with railmaster, and yes I know railmaster is described as a dcc controller and


not a dc controller, 00 does not work on railmaster, and I have never been able to get my elite to communicate with a laptop, so will not work with railmaster, even though Hornby say there is no communication problem, thank you Hornby for your wonderful help


with all my railway problems ? Anybody, any ideas on how to cure my railmaster problems ?,



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[reply]RDS said:



Sorry, this is nothing to do with answering your question but I am curious to know why you are using elink when you have the much more capable, powerful and flexible Elite?


Gadgets, you know how it is,


something new comes along and you buy it, here comes the iphone 5s, for example ?



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Oh, I see. I like gadgets as well but I must say the elink has never appealed to me because I like the ability to be able to take control using the knobs on the Elite. In conjunction with RM it does seem an economical route into digital


control though for those starting out.


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RDS said:

Oh, I see. I like gadgets as well but I must say the elink has never appealed to me because I like the ability to be able to take control using the knobs on the Elite. In conjunction with RM it does seem an economical

route into digital control though for those starting out.

The only elink advantage I can see so far, is it will work instantly with non back emf decoders, the signals work instantly, with non back emf decoders, oh of course, the decoder numbers

are displayed as pictures, so it is easy to see what you are controlling ?,
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I'm a little confused here. If you are using RM, Elite or eLink are just interfaces to the track. By rights they will act exactly the same. Is this not the case? Can you not set loco ID from Rm with either of them, can you only do it it directly via the


knobs and menus on Elite?


And what is the significance of back EMF in this?


Certainly there is an advantage with RM in that each of your locos is displayed on screen with its controller so you can access it immediately rather having to find it


in your list with Elite.

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