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My wishlist


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Seeing as this is the wishlist forum I though I'd post mine:

a completely overhauled, up to date eurostar. (there is so much wrong with it i could start a whole topic ) (maybe with a promotional livery version like the da vinci code)


missing carriages for the eurostar ( there only really needs to be 3 new moulds since r3-5 and 7-8 are essentially the same except seating)

class 375 in southeastern (i would have thought this would be fairly easily convertible to a 377 for southern

and fcc and even a 378 and 376 for more choice)

class 465

class 466 in southeastern

class 171 in southern both 2 car and 4 car versions (as with the 375 this could probably be adapted for 172's without much difficulty)

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  • 2 weeks later...
I would like to see the following produced, some of which Hornby already have part tooling eg tenders)many have preserved examples, to add to the excellent new models Hornby and Bachmann are producing:
BR Livery:
Single chimney King 4-6-0
42XX 2-8-0T and 72XX 2-8-2T variant
Star 4-6-0 (special with National Railway Museum)
upgrade of Hornby 2-6-2T
ex Southern Railway:
Unrebuilt Merchant Navy
Freight version of King Arthur 4-6-0 Maunsell S15
Stanier 'Crab'
Midland Compound
Stanier 2-6-2T
Lancashire & Yorkshire 2-4-2T
Director class 4-4-0 (Butler Henderson) (with NRM?)
Thompson A2/1, A2/2, A2/3 Pacifics
Thompson A1 'Great Northern'
Great Central 4-6-2T
Q6 0-8-0
02 2-8-0
Crosti Boiler variant of 2-10-0
Duke of Gloucester 71000
Buildings etc:
North Light Engine Shed
Upgraded turntable
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all yes a sentinel rail car would be nice to see! has for all the emu's i have to say i dont reay care for the new ones. i would not know a 466 from a 376/7 etc but you may get your wish and i do hope so so i may find out what they look like too. i would

like to see some more tank locos jhonsons deeleys and adams 0-4-4ts 2-4-2ts 4-4-2t whiteleggs would be a good starting point i think.
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sga962 I suspect your layout is based in present day Kent or the South East? Mine is based in Kent or SE London circa 1952 / 1963.(Different stock, almost the same scenery) You and I have the same problem, no-one likes electric multiple units so there

are very few models of them. I have resorted to making kits - 1952 era 2Hal (Phoenix or Branchlines), 4DD - limited edition resin kit, 4EPB (1951 stock) NNK and MTK, 1963 era - 4Cep by you know who, 2EPB by same and also DC kits, plus DEMUs 6L by DC kits,

2H by DC kits.
I am not sure if there are many kits of present day units, and many of the older ones I have made for me are now unobtainable.

My hope is that the few EMU that are being sold will sell well enough to attract a few more models in

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its not that i dont like them its more the the hobby is to big to now all the locos dmu's and even emu's along with ever thing else like wagons signals etc etc what might help is this web site.


sorry its not a link so you will have to coppy and paste it. its alist of Manufacturers and suppliers of 4mm scale products, focusing on the needs of the 4mm finescale railway modeller.

it could take a day or 2 to go the list. and yes even emus are

inthere i do hope this helps some of you

i have got my deely/jhonson drawing for £2.50 each from one compony and just about any thing you want cad drawing and millings can be done for vale gear etc etc.
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@LC&DR specifically the area around ashford international, yh. the problem with our problem is that with those kits not being available, people can't buy them, kind a a self-fulfilling prophecy :(. I did actually try one of the eurostar kits from hu**t

but it didn't turn out brilliantly and was still inaccurate anyway.

Considered trying 3d printing but my 3d skills leave a lot to be desired and i can't find good plans anywhere.

@fazy nice list, gonna have to take the time to go through it

all :)

While I remember few more additions:
extra cars for alstom pendolino, and the olympic javelins. Really the only thing that stops me buying these is that you can't get the additional coaches.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Hi sqa962,
I have quite a bit of respect for the humble EMU. It is a trait of the southern railway being more associated with passenger/commuter traffic than transporting loads of coal/china clay/ fish and produce, although freight played a big part

of its development. The slam door emu’s used pre 1980’s and the formations they run in hold a fascination for me, and my next layout will be able to accommodate this.

I have a dilemma with my new (planned) layout, as I wish to run SR pre WWII, but

also be fitting to run BR southern region before the corporate blue era. The 3rd rail will have to be put down, so the setting will be somewhere between London and Brighton(ish). The Brighton Belle will be rolling through (next year now) and the collection

of M7’s and T9’s will be hauling rakes of Maunsell coaches through what I hope will be a mainline station with 5 through roads. I’m just a bit concerned that if I want a BR day, How much of it will look out of date?

With regards to your wish list, I

always notice when someone has posted a small suggestion on how Hornby could adapt/change a small part of a mould to save them money rather than creating a completely new mould and incurring a huge financial outlay.
I agree the Euro star has earned a trip

to the update lab, but I think they have put their resources into the javelin. I would hope your wish list comes true for you, but I think old age will get the better of me before that happens. Before I do go to the great engine shed in the sky I would like

to see a Hornby produce a 4-cor unit ( this could also go on to produce many other units with the addition of various other cars, and they did span a few decades.)
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PS - In response to your question at the end of the second paragraph

I’m just a bit concerned that if I want a BR day, How much of it will look out of date?

The answer is Not a Lot! The Southern Region was quite conservative particularly

where modernisation had already taken place, such as on the Brighton main line. The station colours were very much the same in 1955 as they had been in 1938. They had already provided good modern buildings at the principal stations and the signalling had been

updated at electrification. You might have to change the cars in the car park, and some of the posters would look a little odd. It was still possible to find stations with Southern Railway target nameboards and illuminated green and white running in boards

into the 1960s.

Big changes really only happened after Beeching. True that the Kent Coast lines underwent a major revamp in the 1950s as they were not electrified until then, but the Brighton and South Western sections remained in a time warp more

or less until the final days of steam. Even fashions changed but slowly, but you would need to populate the layout carefully to avoid extremes of personal dress.

I am actually modelling the Southern in just such a way so that although my stations are

based in the early 1950sI shall have the ability to run pre-War trains too, and also the early 1960s electrics.
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  • 2 weeks later...
Once the Southern started sprucing up the stations ( target nameboards etc ), the only thing that would change is the scenery, and vehicles. Guildford station was still in Green and Cream well into the 80's, Westbury, had target signs in 71/2.

I have had this argument at a club meeting, build a station as was in say 1936, ( or the year of your choice ) and make no apologies for the stock. I once said " What if the SD&JR had not closed and was still open today ", it would have had Warships,Hymeks,

and any old thing that was seeing out it's days, or to really annoy people, the remaining good steamers may have lasted into the early 70's. When it comes to vehicles, chain drive Scammell lorries were alive and well in 1972.
Remember it is your layout.
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