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Power Track vs Power Clip


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not sure where this belongs but im looking at getting back into model railways after a long wile away and was looking at the power clips and digital power track and i was just wondering will the digital power track work with a standard controller or would


i need a power clip as the set has to be movable for storage reasons and i don't want to be constantly hunting around under the sofa for where the clip fell out and ran off to every time i move the track board thanks :)

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Easy to convert the DC version for DCC if that is what you need, clip or track. Just flip open the cover between the rails and remove the capacitor you find there in the DC version, and then it's DCC. You'll know if you have it wrong - that capacitor causes


weird faults which all go away when you remove it.

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i wont be going ddc anytime soon i don't think. i just want to get up and running and replace whet needs replacing as i build up again some of the kit iv got would probably give most on hear an attack of "replace that old hunk of junk with this shiny new


bit of plastic " but i prefer the old metal cased stuff haha


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