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Program Command Pause Message

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I have been developing a program which requires a train to stop at a particular location, then reverse onto a Kadee uncoupling plate. I found it difficult to consistently get the train to stop precisely enough. OK - I hear you say when that when loco detection


is released, it will help me achieve this. However, while playing around with the program, I discovered within the program editor, a program command which could be of use. It is entitled (in the dropdown list) "Pause Message". I tried to find the command in


the latest PDF guide, but couldn't. I decided to try it out by inserting the pause command just after the loco stop command. Sure enough, when running the program in the main window, a message box appeared on the screen containing only a 'tick' button and


a message saying press Enter to continue. I thought - great, I can now adjust the position of the train if necessary using the main RM screen controls, then press Enter and continue with the rest of the program. Unfortunately, this wasn't possible. Firstly,


the message box is what is known as a Modal window, so Windows prevents access to the Main window while this box is on display, therefore preventing adjustment of the trains position. Secondly, although while this message box is being displayed, the clock


at the top of the main window was stopped at the time of the pause command, when the tick button was pressed to continue the program, this clock leapt forward by as much time as the message box was on display, and the intervening commands immediately following


the pause command were skipped.

Before I contact RM support, has anyone tried out this command? Would anyone else find it useful if it worked properly?


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There is another command that can be added to programs that is just called 'Message'.

It has 2 parameters that can be added: Firstly, The message you want to be displayed, which goes within the brackets and Secondly, the time you want the


message to be displayed for.

I have found that when the message displays on the screen that it is still possible to adjust Loco settings. The message appears in the middle of the layout screen but you can also move the layout screen around behind it.



this help you?

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