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I have an EMU which keeps forgetting it's address. Working fine one minute, then fails to respond. Put it on the programming track and remind it what address it should respond to and it is fine again .... until the next time. Anyone else experienced this


or know what might cause it please? I do not get this problem with any other loco.

I am using an Elite Controller with a Select walkabout. It is an EMU with two decoders, (one for the lights). It has happened to both decoders, but not both at the same time.


It is not a Hornby model.

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Given it happens to both decoders, it is unlikely to be a decoder fault. Decoders are known to lose address on occasion, but usually only under DCC fault conditions. Is there any chance you are getting momentary shorts on your layout? Maybe with an older


loco going over points, or a loco with its wheel back-to-backs set incorrectly? Try to check if it happens when something in particular happens with some other loco on the layout.


If my suggestion above is a possibility, and you are running a DCC bus,


do you have bus terminators installed? These suppress spikes that can result from fault conditions.


The only other possibility I can think of is that it has something to do with the different brand of decoder in it, possibly when used in conjunction


with the Select walkabout rather then the Elite. Is that a possibility?

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Thanks Fishy. The momentary shorts are possible I guess, but to my recollection it has only happened when it is the sole loco being operated. (Others on the track but not moving). To be honest I am ignorant when it comes to buses. My layout has two power


tracks each connected directly back to the Elite, so I don't have what I understand to be a Bus ( a power feed with multiple connections to the track at frequent intervals ? ). It is possible that it is something to do with switching control from Elite to


the Select. Thanks for that, I have something to investigate now. ... Or could it be a lack of a bus and surges being encountered at a point or several points along the track? )

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What constitutes a bus is somewhat academic. Is one of you power tracks are relatively long run from the controller, a few metres? If so, you could put a terminator on it. Take a look at Brian Lambert for details.


But let's concentrate on the EMU.


Have you checked its back-to-backs? Does it have problems over points with momentary stopping.


And I would also experiment with Elite only. select isn't NMRA compliant and is recommended for working only with Hornby decoders. So see if the problem


occurs on Elite too. I wouldn't think the changeover from one to the other would be a problem as that doesn't change the DCC supply which comes only from the Elite. You are only talking addressing it via Select.

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Back-to-back is the correct distance between the wheels of 14.2mm. If wrong, you can get derailing and shorts on points.


Sorry, thought you'd know about the Brian Lambert site which is referenced here often. Lots of great info, in the DCC section


and elsewhere.

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HooliganHedgehog said:

Thanks again Fishy. No, I'd not heard of Brian Lambert. I selfishly only visit the forum when I need an answer to something specific and seem to have avoided seeing mention of him before. Saved in Favourites now though

! I'd not heard the term Back to Back in this context before, so thanks for explaining.

It's worth buying a hard copy - add it to your list for Father Christmas (via Amazon).
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Just to make sure all readers are aware, the UK "OO" Back to Back (B2B)measurement taken across the insides of the wheels on one axle, is 14.4mm +/- 0.05mm

This is defined in The Double O Gauge Associations Standards for Intermediate rail and


wheel measurements (Not Finescale) which is linked to here... http://www.doubleogauge.com/standards/commercialwheels.htm

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