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Stay Alive and CVs


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Hello All. Have been looking into information on stay alive units on this and other forums. Have read posts stating problems after fitting stay alive units and solution was to disable DC running by altering a CV setting. I have a Select controller which,


as my understanding goes, doesn't do CVs. Is there another way or is an upgrade to a controller that does CVs needed?



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Graskie is certainly right that Select will not alter CVs such as CV29 which controls DC running amongst many other things. The Select is best described as the very basic entry level controller and will not do many of the refinements that are part of the


DCC system.


That said, if it is working for you, that's fine, keep it. But be aware that Hornby makes both the Elite controller, and the eLink combined with Rsilmaster running on a PC, that are far more capable. There is extensive coverage of those


differences in threads on this forum and you can search for them.


And on switching off DC running and why, the problem is that, if your DCC signal is poor for any reason, the decoder in you loco might not recognise it as DCC and instead think it is


DC. When it does this with full volts present all of the time, it thinks it is being asked to run flat out and takes off like a scalded cat with emergency stop the only way to stop it. So switching off DC running is highly recommended.


I'm surprised


that there may be an issue with stay alive and DC running though. Stay Alive is just a big capacitor that sits across the bridge rectifier in you decoder and continues to supply power for a short period when the loco might otherwise stop when power is lost


over points or such. Clearly such interruptions will also interrupt the DCC content to the decoder which may trigger a runaway if DC running is enabled. But I wouldn't have thought that might be any worse with a stay alive than without. I'd be interested if


you have any references that say otherwise.

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I also should have said that a stay alive capacitor is fitted to the output of the bridge rectifier, not the input which is where the red and black wires terminate on the PCB. So to fit one to a decoder not already equipped to take one is a specialist


job for someone with good soldering and circuit tracing skills.


DCC Concepts site has coverage of stay alives, not surprising as they have decoders fitted for and with them.

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