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Wiring Hornby point m otor to DCC Concepts ADS8 decoder


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I have a question




There is power to the rails via a temporary dcc bus

There are wires from the dcc bus to the DCC concepts ADS8 decoder first port.


Firstly wiring in the


Hornby points to the decoder...

Point has 3 wires, red, black and green


Decoder solenoid connections are... L, COM and R


Which Hornby point motor wires go to which DCC concepts decoder connections?


IS THIS... R=Red, L=Green and COM=Black?




cannot find this information on DCCconcepts website.

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I just gave you exactly the same answer on your other thread PJ. We must both be wrong.


Not surprising no info on the DCC Concepts web site. They have info for their own stuff, not Hornby. They do assume you know that a solenoid throws left and


right and needs a common, so have used terminology to match.

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RDS said:

Another great example of why we really need an edit and/or a delete facility on this forum.

I agree Fishy but have they got anyone to spend time on it? This is so often the

problem wages are a companies biggest expense and an overhead.

Having said that if a forum is not moderated, checked and kept in order it is pointless having categories to add our messages.

I think the thread in GENERAL DISCUSSIONS called DCC

POWERCLIP is a typical example of a run away train of messages. It started in the correct section asking this question...

Hello I am wanting to disguise the dcc power clip any suggestions, regards, mike

There are, as I write, 62 messages relating

to DCC questions in this thread. I too am to blame, I did a search and added a message, after submitting it realised it was in the wrong section.

Maybe the regular users of the forum should guide people more. If a message is in a wrong section, ask

the person to re-submit it in the correct section, explain they will get a faster reply if they do. Trouble is the thread is then there in the wrong section and should be edited out. It is there for current users but lets not forget it will be there for future

users when doing searches. The more messages in a search that do not answer questions for users, will result in more questions being asked on the forum!

Good house keeping of the forum is essential, lets not forget it has Hornby's at the top. A name

to be trusted for years gone by and hopefully years to come. With the increase in DCC loco's sales are going to increase anyway but, so are questions on this forum.

Hornby are you reading this? Please!

(Which section are we adding these messages

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Not sure it is in the wrong section. One of the answers to the question was to hide it by soldering and not using it. Then it has turned into a general discussion on soldering technique which is not DCC specific at all. For example, WTD has added a number


of posts from his DC experience with soldering to rails.

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  • 7 months later...

Recently I installed 5 ADS8 accessory decoders on my layout, and I am highly delighted with the outcome.....

 except for one little niggle which occurs now and again, and I was wondering whether anyone else has come across something similar. There is one point on the layout, connected to one of the ports on one of the five ADS8 decoders, which occasionally stops working, either through Railmaster or using the Elite controls directly. At first, I thought I might have a faulty decoder, but then I discovered that I could get it working again if I reset my Elite controller. I've had to do this maybe four times in as many months, so it isn't a huge problem. It is the only port out of the forty on the ADS8s which does this. It has an address of 29, though I fail to see how that could be significant. Maybe if I have time, I'll re-program it to a different address to see if it makes any difference!

Has anyone else come across this?


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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Hi Ray, I've just bought two of these and had the same problem with one of them. I had all the points working and then one double pair stopped altogether, it took some amount of changing wires to try and get it working. When I saw your email I knew something else was wrong so I changed the wires to the other decoder and it  worked right away. I've had the same problem again with a different point, I reprogrammed it and it now works. The other problem I had was when I used all eight contacts the board started to get really hot but since I've moved two to three other board  it's staying cool, just now but I'll have to keep an eye on it. I'm using an Ecos not the Elite.




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I've been on and they were very quick to reply. They said that the over heating could be something touching the board like a wire loose and for the loss of memory something shorting on the back. I checked all the wiring to make sure there was no loose ones and then I took two points off one and board and swapped them onto the other, reset them and everything is fine now.


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