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USB Device not recognised.

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I'm sure there's someone out there who may have experienced this or better still, know's a fix. I have recently migrated to a new Windows 8 machine from a W7 laptop. E-link and Elite both worked ok with the laptop and I had very few problems. However,


having installed RM v1.55 on my new W8 machine I get "USB device not recognised". Any ideas?

I don't get as far as the "Other Devices"/"CDC RS-232 Emulatation Demo" as stated in the driver guide.

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W8 is exactly the same as W7 for the purposes of drivers and should install its own Windows driver. If it is not doing this, suggest you email RM Support from within the Help window of RM. One of the first things they will ask you is whether your virus


software is blocking things, something you can check out for yourself using the Firewall PDF guide.

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Fishmanoz, as always, thanks for the response. I did contact RM support and I am in email communication with them. However they did suggest that I try the Forum in case the same thing has been experienced elsewhere. The W8 machine is new (thanks Santa).


Previously I had two systems XP + Elite (train set in garage, cold) and W7 + E-link (development work, spare room, warm). All components were fully interchangeable. Now, the Elite will work with OK with the new W8 setup but the E-link doesn't. The e-link stills


works with the XP. Of course, I change the settings and restart RM for every re-configuration.


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Well DRB, that's a first - HRMS suggestion you check the forums for a solution. It's always the other way around in my experience. But given what you say does and doesn't work, it sounds like a thorny problem that may be W8 or hardware, not an RM problem


as such.


I take it you've tried different USB ports on the laptop? And different USB cables? And the selected com port is below 5?


The only other thing that comes to my mind is, if it's really W8, you could try upgrading to 8.1. It shouldn't


make a difference but then it may use a later version of the driver which might help it to recognise the device.

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Fish, I've done most of the above. Different USB cables and a lower numbered USB port which incidentally worked OK with the Elite. Windows has been upgraded to 8.1 and I also removed Macafee. Subsequently tried the eLink on the old W7 laptop and it worked


without problem. On one occasion I got to commence the initialisation but only got 80% through the process and then got the failed handshake message. Can only think its a W8.1/eLink 64bit driver problem as independently the PC works with Elite and the eLink


works with W7. One last clue is that with eLink powered on PC reboot there is nothing shown on Device Manager until the eLink is power cycled. Very strange, but I'll pick it up again in the morning, in the meantime thanks for taking an interest.

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I am having the same problem with W8.1. elink refuses to handshake using either USB 3 or USB 2 ports. I have followed the RM installation instructions implicitly. Set up the correct baud rate and matched the com port numbers etc(tried ports 3,4,5,6,7,


same result) . When I reboot the e-link (power off/ power on) and restart RM it will initially detect the e-link as it turns the e-link light off then back on but shortly after reports the com port is closed. I have the firewall open on both private and public


and have removed Norton. I loaded the program as admin. and operate it as admin. Because of the inability to connect to elink I cannot install firmware 1.4 which may help? Am at a loss at what to do next.

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Sound like you are doing all the right things Deep. Suggest you email RM Support from within the Help window of RM and see what they have to say, particularly as it now seems there are 2 of you with the same problem. They are very responsive.
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Deeps60, that's exactly the same result that I am experiencing. After the failed handshake, there is an abortive attempt by RM to upgrade the eLink firmware to 1.04. This is despite the fact that the firmware has previously been upgraded via RM operating


on Windows 7.

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DRB49 said:

Deeps60, that's exactly the same result that I am experiencing. After the failed handshake, there is an abortive attempt by RM to upgrade the eLink firmware to 1.04. This is despite the fact that the firmware has previously been

upgraded via RM operating on Windows 7.
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DRB49, exactly. My problem is I expect to move homes shortly and need to dismantle my set today. I don't see much point in entering into a dialogue with RM as I won't be able to follow any instructions or solutions they may have. I would greatly appreciate


if you could post any solution you and/or RM may come up with. It may be a few months before I can set up again.


Fish. Many thanks for your reply. Hopefully a solution will be found while I am down. It is always disappointing not to be able to play


with a new toy. I am retiring shortly and bought the Majestic set to get re-started on a hobby which I did as a lad and stopped when I started work some 42 years ago.

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Wilco Deeps60. FWIW, I hope to retire in November (DRB49 = 1949), but I was more into model aircraft 42 years ago. I only got into model trains when we took our 3 year old grandson to Pecorama at Beer last February. Since then....
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Deep, if you can email RM Support before you pack up the computer, it will be very handy for them to know and have data on 2 set ups with the same problem, even if they can't follow through with you. Don't worry about not being connected to the layout,email



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Fish, good thinking. I can also keep the elite unit out as I don't need the track to resolve the handshake issue and the firmware update. Easy to pack that in a separate box and it would be peace of mind to get the issue sorted out. I will continue to


monitor this post in case DRB49 finds a solution and good luck to him getting his and his grandsons setup going.

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Deeps, DRB,


Any update on this issue, I took delivery of the Majestic yesterday and am experiencing the same problem. I have managed to get the PC and elink to handshake but if that happens RM then freezes and none of the button icons work. A reset


of everything then causes the initial problem to occur again

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Since the last post I had an idea, if you right click on the desktop shortcut for RM and select properties, then select the compatability tab, then click on run compatability troubleshooter, then when complete select test program, this seems


to make it work. I have just programmed the class 47 and the A1 into the loco database and have run the A1 round the tracks from the RM pc controller. Hope this works for you! I haven't yet tried shutting down and restarting, I am going back to have another



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Can't help with your spelling mistakes, have enough problems with my own, despite or because of iOS 7 assistance.


But running under compatibility is interesting and tends to point to a driver issue, which hopefully HRMS is investigating right now


having already monitored the thread.

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Bandit60, Thanks for your tip. It didn't work first time but I eventually managed to shake hands with the elink. It appears that it is better to use a USB2 port and not a USB3 port. It is still very much a hit or miss situation which I hope RM will find


a solution to. It is a pain to take upward of 30 minutes just to get going. Again thanks for the tip.

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Deeps & Bandit (60's). That is interesting and it has encouraged me to experiment further. I successfully managed to get eLink and W8.1 to work if I run in Window XP compatibility mode. Also, it only worked on Com5 which is a USB2 port. I tried to do a


W7 compatibility mode but that failed. I'll email HRMS with this "development". It would be interesting to hear from anyone out there who is successfully using eLink with Windows 8.1.

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DRB49 said:

Deeps & Bandit (60's). That is interesting and it has encouraged me to experiment further. I successfully managed to get eLink and W8.1 to work if I run in Window XP compatibility mode. Also, it only worked on Com5 which is a

USB2 port. I tried to do a W7 compatibility mode but that failed. I'll email HRMS with this "development". It would be interesting to hear from anyone out there who is successfully using eLink with Windows 8.1.

I have Win8.1 on my train desktop

pc running RM.
I have an Elite as Cont A and eLink as Cont B both plugged into a twin port USB 3.0 pci expansion card as my 4 standard USB 2.0 ports on the back of the pc are all occupied (printer, webcam, mouse, k'board).
No problems other than the

eLink can lock up if I manually switch points from the RM screen in rapid sucession, which then requires a restart of RM.
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Hi RAF96

I also have Railmaster/eLink on my 8-1 64 bit desktop but have been unable to get the driver

to work.

I think we live in nearby villages, would it be possible to contact each other to find out

how you have got the PC and eLink to





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jug1938 said:

Hi RAF96
I also have Railmaster/eLink on my 8-1 64 bit desktop but have been unable to get the driver
to work.
I think we live in nearby villages, would it be possible to contact each other to find out
how you have

got the PC and eLink to handshake.


You're welcome come and look at my setup Jug.
Moni village is accessed from Junction 19 off the Limassol Highway. Give me a call on (00357) 96497712 or send a PM for directions.
Mostly the

set up went without any problems starting with a new Win 8 pc and the eLink/RM pack installed by inputting the key over the demo version.
Updating to Win 8.1 also went without problems and didn't affect the RM setup at all.
It's updating the Elite I

have problems with, having to revert to an XP laptop.
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