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Locos suddenly and permanently changed direction

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Two of my locos have for some reason decided to start operating in the opposite direction to that indicated on the Railmaster screen. One started doing it a week ago and then another one last night. Both were previously working fine, I haven't changed


their CV's or done any programming to them and haven't touched the decoders (Hornby R8249). Latest update to RM and eLink installed. On the RM screen I select "Forward" for the loco, I open the throttle and it moves in reverse. All the other locos work fine.


One thing I have noticed, is that the ID numbers of the two that are playing up are now highlighted in blue on the RM screen. I suspect I must have done something inadvertently in RM but can't work out what. Can't see any reference to it in the manual. Has


anyone come across this or have an idea what has happened?

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Thanks for the reply, I was aware of CV29 and the fact you can change it, but assumed this had no connection with my problem as the locos concerned have just randomly done this by themselves. Can CV's suddenly be changed like this without any input from


the user? I'll try reprogramming them and see if that fixes it and if that also removes the blue highlight from the loco ID.

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As I said, the decoders hadn't been changed, and the locos were working previously. When I checked CV29 on both locos, it was set to 000. (which I think is forward direction of travel but speed step 14) I changed both to 003 (reverse direction speed step


128) and they worked OK. I know this doesn't make sense, as I have checked the chips and the orange wire is going to pin 1. Beats me.

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  • 1 month later...

I now have this problem. All 5 of my digital locos run in the wrong direction. No wiring or CV changes had been made, they just suddenly all go the wrong way. Previously I was able to delete any locos that were going the wrong way, re-enter them and all


was ok again. Now nothing makes them go the correct way. Running with just an Elite controller instead of RailMaster/E-link and directions are correct.

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Unlikely RDS as he says he's just running Elite, despite posting on the RM forum.


Given this, sounds like an Elite issue. Can't remember off hand if it has a reverse all locos setting? If not, suggest you contact HCC as it seems like an Elite fault.

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No, the reverse direction feature just puts reverse on the right hand direction arrow instead of the standard left hand arrow. All locos still run in the wrong directions. When it went wrong there had been an "untidy" shutdown of railrmaster. I can't remember


exactly but either the e-link lost power or the PC shut down or something unusual.

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Yes, I have just checked on my version of RailMaster and as you say, it just changes the arrows over.

Have you tried by powering down everything and then restarting up again (e-link first, wait a few seconds, then your PC). It is surprising


how often this works with 'computer' type equipment.


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Try with one loco reading the value of CV29, then subtract 1 from that value and write it back to the CV. That should work and assuming it does, repeat for your other locos.


Bit 0 of CV29 sets loco default direction when off and reverse direction


when on.

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Fishmanoz said:

Try with one loco reading the value of CV29, then subtract 1 from that value and write it back to the CV. That should work and assuming it does, repeat for your other locos.

Bit 0 of CV29 sets loco default direction

when off and reverse direction when on.

Not really practicle to change CV29 on each loco everytime this happens which is quite often. I have abandoned Railmaster & now use an Elite instead.
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What might be causing it? Improper closing down of the program was mentioned. It's strange though, what could just be writing to one bit of one CV? So not just Rm but interaction with operating system. Possibly there is more corruption but this is the


very obvious one. Clearly not affecting CV1 though or that would have been mentioned.


As he has given up and gone back to Elite, will probably remain a mystery unless HRMS has some ideas.

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I also had the same problem twice.The first time I deleted locos which were affected second time changed cv 29.but the problem would come back so I took the radical step of deleting all programs on pc that was running in background as pc is only used for


rm. Not wanting to change subject but also had major communication problems with elink and rm. when I got to deleting my anti virus software mcaffee all my problems went away not sure if this could help but not had any locos going wrong way since and comms


is 99.9% reliable

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HFM, have you followed the PDF guide on making RM a full exception to blocking by McAfee?


Given you need internet access at least periodically to check for and download updates, you are running a real risk if you don't have a firewall and virus


protection at all.

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