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DCC controller inactive


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Bought a Western Master set and have followed set up but even though the DCC icon top right is bright green it states that it is inactive. Thinking of deleting whole set up and starting again but before I do any ideas? I did post this on the general forum


without realising there was a dedicated DCC one (thanks fishmanoz for your guidance).


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As you don't own any voltmeter etc do you have a 12volt lamp? Even a cars 4 or 5 watt lamp can be used and should illuminate to show power is arriving to the rails.

Alternatively remove all locos, power up and momentary apply a short circuit across


the rails (so called Coin across the rails test) the DCC system if power is flowing will shut down immediately and indicate the short.

If any of these work then it can be considered that the system is working ANC providing power to the rails. You then


need to look at the rail to rail connections (metal fishplates) are clean and tight onto each rail they connect together and the locos address number is being correctly entered.

If none of the previous work, then look at the connection between the eLink


and the rails. The actual power clip or power track sections connections are correctly made.

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Do you know what changed to make it active?


You have checked that you have the DCC power track, or removed the capacitor if you had the DC one, haven't you?


Have you emailed RM Support from within the Help window of RM? This is not a last


resort, it is a very important step. And you do it from RM because that also sends to them setup information from your system.


One extra thing to try - take the power wires from the TRACK output of your eLink and plug them into the PROG output. Now


open the loco setup window, select your pannier and follow the manual instructions on reading the loco CVs. What do you get? You only need to read up to 29. If you get an error, or they all read 255, then that is not working either.

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Thanks everyone simple fix in the end update the chuffing software! This was needed even though installation was via CD-ROM and internet activation. Running now in true GWR fashion just as IKB would want, even the wife has been shunting.


Last question


does RM require constant internet connection??


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Gents Hello & Help (sorry below so long!)

My first time on forum (but the way its going definitely not the last!!)

Not had a train set for 40 years+ & got one for christmas!

The Majestic with RailMaster & elink. All looks fantastic & I'm really



I have set up & have trains running, but both from same Loco DCC ID 0003 / Loco DCC ID 0004 Does Nothing?

On Screen, I have Majestic Train Layout (but my layout not the same at moment-layout space!).

I updated to 1.55 as requested!

I have


Internet Connection Symbol Dark Green, but Inactive?

I have DCC Controller Dark Green, but Inactive?

I have Loco Detection Inactive?



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Milly, just to expand on 52train above, it is good practice to not run either of your locos on 03. This is the default address for all decoders so you leave 03 free to do an initial run of your next new loco before you change its ID too.


That said,


you can only run one loco on any particular address, so you have to change one of your locos to run both. And it doesn't matter that your actual layout isn't set up like the Majestic full layout for now.


So to change one loco, you have to connect your


layout, or better a separate length of track to the eLink PROG output. Now follow the instructions in the v1.55 manual that has been installed on your desktop to change the ID. Make sure you follow all the instructions including the final one to actually write


the change to the decoder. Now put it back on the main track and see if it runs on its new ID.


Don't be afraid to ask more questions on here. There are lots of knowledgable and helpful people around.

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  • 8 months later...

I'm not sure if it is just an anomoly or whatever but I have Voice Control, although not currently on but am running 3 separate locos from RM and my elink and just happened to hover the mouse over the internet and dcc controller icons and notice that they are showing as inactive.  But, at the same time I am using the dcc controller and am connected to the internet to read the forum.  Is there some logical explanation for this.  The last time I used the system both icons were showing active and I don't recall having done anything different.  Am using 1.56 revision 8 according to the yellow icon in the window.  Or am I worrying unnecessarily?

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