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Problem with loco after using programme

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Hi Guys,

I have got a problem with my loco, I used it in a program I was trying out. when I came to use the loco again the lights now flash on and off and it will not move. I have re programmed the address, deleted the program I had set up and restarted


everything still not working. Also I can not seen to find the railmaster app on my android tablet I have to go though the internet to powerpos.com to load it up. Anyone any ideas?




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Just to add to the above you have to write the value 8 to CV 8 to reset the decoder chip.


Ref the android app, there is no app as such, you have to be online to load the applet into Chrome browser, then you can be offline once it is loaded. Once


you quit all trace of the app is gone and you have to go back online again to load it again. Pants is the word that comes to mind. Why they don't write a proper app I don't know, they have written one for Palm OS which I can't believe many people use these


days. Maybe it's because they have to pay Google (or Apple) to put a proper app in the app store / play store. :-)

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Hi Guys

Thanks for the replies guys, I changed the number of the loco and all works well, so changed it back to the original number and the problem was back. Will have a go at resetting the CV and see what happens. A bit annoyed about the app not been


available, with the browser at the top of the screen the second loco control buttons for shunting, stop and cruise are right at the bottom of the screen so don't always register when pressed.




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There is a documented bug whereby a particular loco address becomes corrupted and can no longer be used by a particular decoder. The decoder continues to work fine on other addressees. Sounds weird I know and haven't experienced it myself but there are


threads on here covering it.

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pete007 said:

Hi Guys,
I have got a problem with my loco, I used it in a program I was trying out. when I came to use the loco again the lights now flash on and off and it will not move. I have re programmed the address, deleted the program

I had set up and restarted everything still not working. Also I can not seen to find the railmaster app on my android tablet I have to go though the internet to powerpos.com to load it up. Anyone any ideas?


If it is a Sapphire

decoder then flashing lights and stationary loco means the fuel/coal simulator is enabled and the loco has run out of fuel and needs filling up, usually via the Elite, but it may be possible from within RM.
A decoder reset would also sort out this problem..

manuf's decoders can have other reasons for flashing lights.
Tablet problem - no idea - try RM support..
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pete007 said:

Hi Guys
A bit annoyed about the app not been available, with the browser at the top of the screen the second loco control buttons for shunting, stop and cruise are right at the bottom of the screen so don't always register

when pressed.


Just on the app, there is a handheld manual installed on your desktop which has full instructions on downloading and setting up a "proper" app for Android. I'm assuming here as I don't use Android but the instructions

for getting it are exactly the same as for my iPad app which works just fine. It doesn't come from an App Store but via Powerpos.com. It does depend on having the right Android and Chrome versions before it will download and run but shouldn't disappear once

installed. It also depends on your tablet screen as to how many locos and how much Trackplan you can display and use at once.

Is my assumption wrong?
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