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Problem with Reverse Loop Module


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RAF96 said:

RMCS has stated that they run an extensive RM layout on a 1A wall-wart without problems, but time and again the forum has reported unrelated problems in RM have been cured by use of a 4A PSU. There is little logic behind why this

should be, but it obviously works.
I use separate 4A supplies on both my Elite and eLink with RM and have no real problems but experimenting with the 1A supply on the eLink gave me several program errors where commands were skipped..
Outwith my bailiwick

to explain why...

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  • 4 months later...

i have opportunity to come by  Reverse loop Module, for about £20. Before i proceed, there appears a lot of posts about this. Is it worth the effort, is it fine with Elink. What are the views of those using, thanks, john

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John, an RLM is quite useless unless you have a reversing loop on your layout, whether actual now or intended. 

I don't have a reversing loop, deliberately made sure I didn't, so I can't give you first hand experience. But as you have the 4 Amp supply, which Hornby say you need for the RLM, you will be fine. 

Don't forget that to use it, you need an isolated section, insulated rail joiners each end, that is longer than your longest train. Yes train, not loco. 

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