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Creating a route to change points on a crossover

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I am having difficulty in creating a route to change a crossover i.e. 2 points. have tried wiring 2 points into 1 terminal and this does work on another set a further up the track... However, this is being a real pig to achieve on this set.


Both change independently i.e. on their own with a port each but when wired together - one really struggles...


I have tried to set up a Route to solve this but at the moment to no avail... It does not respond at all. Is there any instructions on how


to do this easily as the manual kind of skips over this.


Sincere thanks.

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St1ngr4y said:

What kind of points / point motors are you using? Are you using R8247 accessory decoders? Have you definitely wired them in parallel, rather than in series?

I know you pick the point and select the route

for it to fire on, but can you repeat the points fire command say at the beginning of the route then later on down the timeline.
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RAF96 said:

I know you pick the point and select the route for it to fire on, but can you repeat the points fire command say at the beginning of the route then later on down the timeline.

I think you are mixing up routes and programs.

You can't repeat a point firing with a route, but you can with a program.
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Agree with Graskie that you should make sure your points are operating freely first.


Then if still a problem, would be handy to know just what you are using as Rsy asked.


Finally, you might like to lengthen the pulse on the decoder port


from its 100mSec default to not more then 500mSec.


Tell us how you go.

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  • 3 weeks later...
voyager1 said:


I am having difficulty in creating a route to change a crossover i.e. 2 points. have tried wiring 2 points into 1 terminal and this does work on another set a further up the track... However, this is being a real

pig to achieve on this set. Both change independently i.e. on their own with a port each but when wired together - one really struggles...

I have tried to set up a Route to solve this but at the moment to no avail... It does not respond at all. Is there

any instructions on how to do this easily as the manual kind of skips over this.

Sincere thanks.
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Hi Crew, let us know what it is that you are powering with the auxiliary supply please? I assume one of the types of accessory decoder that allows for such a separate supply?


Interesting if that is really the case. Says to me that the decoder wasn't


well designed in the first place as the thing that should be firing the points is the internal CDU, given there is one. There would be little time for the supply to recharge the CDU in any fashion, given it was adequate in the first place.

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