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configuring R8247 accessory controller


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I was having trouble configuring an R8247 accessory controller with an Elite controller. Following the instructions, I put the AC on the programming track, set the group address, got the requisite 5 flashes of the red light, all good. But when I put it

back on the operating track the address was still the default of 61 etc. I called Hornby help who were excellent and fixed the problem. They suggested treating the AC as a loco, so rather than going to menu, acc, address, etc, use menu, loco, address, etc.

We used the technique of writing CV 8 value 8 to reset the AC, then set the "loco" address (group address, so setting address 9 in my case means it has the accessory addresses 33, 34, 35 and 36). Bingo. Passing this on in case it helps others.
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Connect 8247 to the programming outputs of the Elite
Menu > Loco > Direct > CV > 8 > Write 8

this should reset the 8247.

You can now program the group access:
Menu > Loco > Direct > Address > Address Write > group number e.g. 1


programmed, move to the main track. If you wrote 1 as the address then accessory 1, 2 ,3 and 4 will operate the ports.
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indeed, but that

was for the older 8216. The 8247 shouldn't have that problem. For the 8216 you would have to write the address to it several times if you are using an Elite.
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