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Questions from a beginner with RM

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Hi Geo, take a look at this thread that just got dredged up with a very comprehensive reply from HCC, including functions in decoders. Then look at the Brian Lambert link they give in his DCC pages. Then also look at it in the RM manual.


That should


tell you something.

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Does anyone know if there is an extension cable connecting the elink to usb at the pc ? Reason being due to location it would be better if the connecting cable was longer for me. I note that there is a black suppressor ? in line on this cable, is that


essential because if not I think I have a 3 metre usb to printer lead, would that do? Thanks.

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I expect that officially you will be told NO. However, if you do need to go this route make sure you use a high quality screened USB extension lead. You do not need to worry about the black suppressor. Also make sure you route it away from any mains leads.




you start to get random connection errors you would need to remove the extension cable.

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geochoice said:

Thanks fishy, saved link for reading later, trying not to ask silly simple questions which are obvious :-(

As has been said here many times ego, the only silly question is the one not asked. Even those who would

appear to be using us as an interactive manual in lieu of the one provided usually get a straight answer from me, along with a suggestion they might read it. And what is obvious to some isn't necessary to others.
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Fishmanoz said:

geochoice said:

Thanks fishy, saved link for reading later, trying not to ask silly simple questions which are obvious :-(
As has been said here many times ego, the only silly question is the one not asked. Even

those who would appear to be using us as an interactive manual in lieu of the one provided usually get a straight answer from me, along with a suggestion they might read it. And what is obvious to some isn't necessary to others.

As I am sure

is becoming apparent, my knowledge of pc and all things electronic is not good, however I do like to try and now with help from everyone here who have answered my queries all my locos run on my layout which is at present temporarily connected to RM. The lights

work too. Next up will be connecting ipad to pc for remote control and then the fun starts with point decoders.

I am very impressed with RM so far and pleased I took the plunge.

I also need to reduce picture size for ID on the loco lists.
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Pretty sure you can and it's in the manual I think.


The apples are artefacts, to use the technical term, of track elements you put in your layout then removed. They should disappear of their own accord after saving the layout, then closing and


reopening RM.

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geochoice said:

Can you print out the RM plan created onto paper? Thanks.

And what are the little red symbols at the side of the track plan look like half eaten apples? How can I get rid of them please?


you have edited and saved your layout plan, RM will have created in the Railmaster folder, a file called TrackPlan.bmp, which you can then import into, for example, Microsoft Paint which comes with most flavours of Windows. However, be careful if you do this

and it has a black background colour (as with the default RM colour scheme). If you print this out, it will use an awful lot of black ink!!! Also, not everything you see in the Layout Designer is transferred to the TrackPlan file. For instance, signal numbers

are omitted. Elsewhere on this forum, a wishlist item was raised to have improved printing facilities within the Layout Designer window itself, and I have a feeling these may appear in the next release (but don't quote me on that!).
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Well got the ipad installed albeit sporadic and cost a tenner.


When RM displayed on the pc and the plan screen showing and a drop down list of locos is available, if I select the group they drop down, if I select another group it changes that's


fine, but can I get the window to retreat so can see more of the plan?


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geochoice said:

Well got the ipad installed albeit sporadic and cost a tenner.

When RM displayed on the pc and the plan screen showing and a drop down list of locos is available, if I select the group they drop down, if I select another

group it changes that's fine, but can I get the window to retreat so can see more of the plan?
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Thanks Mr Fish, considering making a one item group so can reduce to one loco visible if I want to see more of the screen. Currently struggling with setting point button positions particularly on my diagonal track. Saw replies ref red green buttons with


arrows but still cant reason how/why they operate as the do, shame arrows in buttons cant be reversed to show direction point will operate from, still trying though.


Thanks from Geo, ego or whatever your predictive type calls me next time, lol.

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The point buttons are simple and consistent, if not intuitive to some, including me. The colours denote left and right, not stop and go, and the highlighted colour is the direction set.


Until diagonal point icons are released in the next update,


remember that this is a schematic and there is no reason to use a left hand icon because you have a left hand point. Instead, use the icon that shows the best schematic layout. For me, that meant using a number of icons that were left hand when the point itself


is right hand because that allowed a neater schematic.


In fact for me, diagonal icons won't help much as I use express points which have angles half way between vertical/horizontal and diagonal at 45 degrees. And using them won't make it any neater


then I have it now.

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Well a few days have passed and I have been busy fitting DCC decoder boards to all the point motors, all now fitted and the layout returned to the correct way up and started to complete the RM plan and add point buttons to pc, some work fine others look


like they need fine tuning to get the positioning of the red and green buttons correctly placed however they do not all show the grey arrow direction on the track. Also have noticed that for no apparent reason RM will not connect for first and sometimes second


attempt with the DCC etc. and does also drop connection occasionally.


Anyone have any indication when the diagonal points will be available as it is a real pain not to have them, not just because I have a couple of reverse loops but some of my sidings


connect in line meaning an angled point which needs some messing about with the plan to resemble anything like reality. This is real a basic requirement and surely should have been done at outset.


Come on Hornby get this upgraded soonest.

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