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Questions from a beginner with RM

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With regard to your RM not always recognising and sometimes dropping out from communication with your DCC decoders, geo, have you checked your USB connection? Mine used to work a bit loose from its Elite connection, despite using a top quality USB lead.


I must admit, it doesn't seem to do that now, though. Perhaps I shoved it in more firmly the last time it happened.

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Geo, it sounds like your point buttons aren't snapping in to the points sometimes. Drag them around a little until they do. And it may be that you have point so close that the snapped in buttons would be in the same place? If so, you have to put in an


extra track piece so they aren't. Once snapped in, they show the blue track indicators too.


Remember that you don't have to use a right point icon for a right point on your layout, or a left for a left. Use the one that makes your schematic neatest.


All RM knows is whether the point is set left or right, not what type it is.


For a little while, HRMS has been threatening that diagonals will be in "the next big update", whenever that is.

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Thanks Gras, could be the usb isn't always fully home on the laptop, will make sur eit is nice and snug.


Am a bit of a perfectonist Fishy and like the schematic to look realistic, find the points issue an irritation more than a big problem, still


amending the RM plan. Supposedly can drag sections of the plan to stretch it but then all the point buttons go awry. Will persevere. The Tawcroft decoders were great, simple to wire in and came ready programmed, how easy that was, they fire well and all seems




Over to Hornby for the long awaited update with diagonal points !!!

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Got nearly all the point buttons and arrows meaning something now and apart from one point that wont throw and another wants polarity switching in a crossover the main layout is working. Brilliant concept RM am definitely pleased I went this way.




my NCE Powercab so RM has to work now. Found in the Forum an idiots guide to programming, so that will be next when I get round to chipping some new locos, but expect basic questions.

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Well a big thank you to everyone who answered some of my questions as I have now successfully connected all 36 point motors to dcc decoders and managed a tangible drawing on RM that throws the points in the right directions. Tomorrow hopefully get the


locos running on the track as well. Cheers Guys.

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Not quite! Where I have linked points as a crossover I have 2 sets of buttons, if I only had 1 set buttons I presume the 2 points would still throw as codes are already set but the arrows on the track would then only be 1, is that right ?




the connection keeps going down between the pc and the point switching, still ok with loco but points stop switching. Any ideas?


Finally for now, RM wants to do an update to 1.04 is this right? But says need to do manually for some reason.




said life was easy !

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1.04 is the eLink version and you should try to do it. Should have happened automatically and may be a USB issue according to Ray on another thread just now.


And yes, you'll need point buttons snapped to both points in the. Roses over to get the


blue track indicator. You can throw the crossover by clicking either set of buttons.

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Does anyone have any suggestions for a non-electrical minded person (me) to trace why I keep getting a short circuit message when traversing a RL Module, have got it in two places at the moment although before changing to DCC point controls the RLM seemed


ok and ran fine.


I need to trace the polarity leading into the RLM from both sides to check all is good I suppose.


Not sure where to start the search, help appreciated please.

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Your lucky fishy only mentioned Roses, You wait till they start on BUS, and Droppers. I keep trying to point out to these very helpful experts, that us simpletons need answere in very simple english. Cant help you with your shorts, but hopefully a simple


answer may be forthcoming, john

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Another problem with RM transpired, if like me you have a RLM Hornby and elink the system isnt man enough to run and constantly trips out, something else to post in wishlist, have it from reliable source this is probably due to elink needing 4 amps not


1.not good enough really, these things should be properly trialled for suitability before selling to the likes of me who doesnt know.

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There is no probably on this one, HRMS have recently reported it to be so. Do a forum search on RLM.


And no point in putting it in Desirable Features. It has nothing to do with RM whatsoever. It is an eLink issue. And yes, I agree that now it has


come to light, Hornby should report it as a limitation somewhere.


You may have seen recent posts from me about tidy mind. This is such an example. RM doesn't in any sense "operate" your RLM. It doesn't know and can't tell if you have one on your layout


or not. Neither does your eLink for that matter. The RLM operates itself by sensing a polarity reversal causing a short on the DCC track and switches the polarity to remove the problem.


I'm not saying that it is not a problem that it won't do this


on a track powered by an eLink connected to the 1Amp supply. But it must be seen as an RLM problem, not an RM/eLink one. In fact, given that the RLM won't work this way, you could return it to Hornby as not fit for purpose.


You could try to argue that


the eLink is the item not fit for purpose and therefore returnable under warranty, but I would think this would be harder to do.

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Fishmanoz said:

There is no probably on this one, HRMS have recently reported it to be so. Do a forum search on RLM.

And no point in putting it in Desirable Features. It has nothing to do with RM whatsoever. It is an eLink issue.

And yes, I agree that now it has come to light, Hornby should report it as a limitation somewhere.

You may have seen recent posts from me about tidy mind. This is such an example. RM doesn't in any sense "operate" your RLM. It doesn't know and can't

tell if you have one on your layout or not. Neither does your eLink for that matter. The RLM operates itself by sensing a polarity reversal causing a short on the DCC track and switches the polarity to remove the problem.

I'm not saying that it is

not a problem that it won't do this on a track powered by an eLink connected to the 1Amp supply. But it must be seen as an RLM problem, not an RM/eLink one. In fact, given that the RLM won't work this way, you could return it to Hornby as not fit for purpose.

You could try to argue that the eLink is the item not fit for purpose and therefore returnable under warranty, but I would think this would be harder to do.
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Seems I wasn't reading things properly when I last replied, as well as not typing properly. One of the problems is I'm always alleging something about Graskie and iOS 7 seems to learn as it goes.


But just going back to your question geo, I missed


that you asked about a booster, not just a 4Amp transformer. My answer was yes to the transformer, not the booster. Of course with a booster, you'd have at least 5 Amps but you have to split your layout into two separate power districts that are isolated from


each other, including 2 separate power buses if using a bus system. It has the advantage that a short in a district only takes out the district, not the whole layout, but is only needed for very large layouts. It also acts as an RLM so it matters not if one


district is itself a reversing loop.


But I'm now curious about your RLMs. Your layout either includes a reversing loop (means a train can set of from a point in the layout heading in one direction, then can return to that same point heading in the


other) or it doesn't. If it does, then you need an RLM (it is possible to operate without one but it would mean having to manually switch the track polarity within an isolated section after a train enters it and before it exits). If the layout doesn't have


a reversing loop, then an RLM is of no use whatsoever. And it is irrelevant how many amps is available on the layout.


Does that help geo?

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Hi F


I did have two RLM's one quite complex which included a diagonal forming a figure 8 with 4 tracks, another with a simple reverse which came from a single point and returned again. The latter remains albeit still troublesome with RM and 1amp


standard transformer. The former RLM I have disconnected at the one end and it now forms a terminus station. therefore not an issue any longer and also simpler to operate. Not completed yet but work in progress. However prior to RM both worked perfectly as




I am awaiting a 4amp transformer from Hornby to replace standard one hoping for better performance.


I hope to remedy the remaining simple RLM either by another plan to avoid needing one or somehow getting it to work properly as previously.




If I could post a layout plan here I would and all would be clear but seems that isn't how this forum works.


And yes it does help F thanks.

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geochoice said:
If I could post a layout plan here I would and all would be clear but seems that isn't how this forum works.

We all like to see each others plans but you have to include a link to another site where the picture

is posted like flickr or dropbox (or even dare I say it rmweb!)
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