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Railmaster - CV & Running issues


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First of all I would like to say thanks to the people who have posted and without realising helped me solve a number of issues.

I am new to DCC and returned to the hobby after about 30 years. I purchased a Majestic set and have finally set up the Elink


etc. I have one problem and one question.

Problem: My locos are set as 003 and 004 (as per the set) and yet when I run them on the track they run under just one setting of 003 and 004 is not utelised. So effectively both trains run when 003 controller is


being used and nothing happens when 004 is used. I have checked double header and this is not set, so if anyone could help I would appreciate it.

Observation: - I have looked at the CV settings using the option in railmaster and all my CV's are set to 0.


Not sure if I should be going through and updating the CV values once I have found what they should be.

Any help would be appreciated.

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Hi Mal and welcome to the forum. Pleased to see you have already found it useful. Have you tried rewriting one of the loco's ID to 4? You can also change CV1 from 03 to 04 as an alternative. Do you know how to do this? If not, please come back to us. I


think someone else will have to advise you on all CVs reading 0. In fact I believe that has been covered elsewhere.

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Thanks for the response guys, I have followed the instruction to rewrite the locos to new CV's but when i place the train on the track next to the DCC connection point, the RM loses connection to the elink and the process of reboots etc starts again. Have


to admit starting to get frustrated with this.

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Just to give an update, I do believe that both engines have come with ID 003 and therefore why both move to the same controller. I have put one train on the track and changed id to 001 and then chose the option to write cv's to loco but as it starts it


errors saying that it cannot find the loco. I know that it is on the track and set up as I can select loco 003 and the loco moves.

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Mal, you are correct, both locos come with ID 03, that being the default ID for all loco decoders. So out of the box, it is difficult to run both together. The best is to reprogram both to other IDs then the next new loco you buy can be test run on 03


before you reprogram it to. I know it is a little confusing that when they appear in your loco list they show 03 and 04, but you have to actually write this ID to the 04 loco before it happens.


So let's turn to reading and writing CVs including loco


ID. And by the way, your reading everything as 000 is most probably telling you you aren't actually reading them at all. They can't possibly all be 000.


So to read and write CVs, you must first have them on track connected to the programming output


of your eLink. Have you done this when you've tried up until now? And only one loco at a time on the programming track. Once on the programming track, it is just a matter of following the instructions under loco setup in the manual. If still having trouble,


you might just try some gentle pressure when doing it.


So tell us how you are going and what hasn't worked. Try reading before writing as you can't write if you can't read. And again, all 000 or all 255 is just telling you it can't read anything.

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Thanks Fishmanoz, question time please


1. Baudrate on the comm port, the manual says 19200 but when you set to this the software asks if it is ok that you dont have 115200, what should this be or does it not matter.


2. The program track is


the piece of track with the DCC connector fitted, is that correct


At the moment I am now back to square one with the eLink not connecting to the PC. no handshake happenin. Will start back at step one with a reboot of the PC.




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115200 correct for eLink, so set to that. Elite is the one with 19200.


Programming track is whatever you connect to the programming outlet of the eLink, via a DCC connection of course. It is easiest to have separate track to your layout for this.


But swapping the layout connection to the programming outlet will do for a start, remembering you can have only the one loco you want to program on it while programming.


Once your layout is more permanent, you can set it up in an isolated (by insulating


rail joiners) siding then have a switch arrangement where you can power that siding by either track or programming output. Then you can drive in powered by track output, switch to programming to do the changes you need, then switch back to track and drive



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Check your DCC connection track. Some sets were sent out with the analogue track connection which has a capacitor still in place. See the newsletter in railmaster which shows you how to check and rectify if needed.


With v1.55 they changed


the maximum baud rate at which rail master will communicate with the e-link.

set rail master to the baud rate 115200


I find that if the handshake fails the following usually solves it:

1. close rail master

2. remove the usb lead from the



3. power down the E-link.

4. wait 30 secs

5. plug in the usb lead to the PC

6. Power up the e-link (PC should play a sound to say e-link recognised)

7. start rail master.


If it still fails check in control panel/device manager/Ports(COM


& LPT). If it is recognised it will show here. Right click on the device and select properties to find out which port it is connected to and ensure rail master is set for the same port.





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This is like a serial and we look like were coming to the close of season 1 as it is almost 23:00 here in the UK.

I was going to say I but in reality it is you guys have taken me a couple of steps closer. I have not got the elink working and programmed


the locos. It dawned on me when fish said program that there are two outputs that say prog, wondered what they were for. SO i have now programmed the locos, but when I tried to start to run and swapped the wires back to track (whilst powered off and now the


elink will not connect again. I followed beejack's steps and unfortunately it has not worked but I will try one more total power down of elink and PC and see what happens.


But as always, you guys are stars, thanks

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I think after 3 days I am almost there with setting up my locos. The present problem is that they both run on ID003 despite changing them (or thought i had to 1 and 2.

So one question if anyone can answer - on the CV's both locos are still marked as


primary location 003. Should that number represent the ID I have assigned and if so am I suppose to manually alter them to the ID i have chosen in Railmaster.


Thanks for any help anyone can give


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Mal, it isn't a matter of manually altering the IDs, in fact I'm not even sure what that means. However, if you go back and look at the instructions in Loco Setup in the manual where you set and change the ID and other CVs, you will see the is a final


operation you must do to actually write the changed data to the decoder.


Then it is easy to check what you have done by reading back the CVs. As you are using short IDs, the data is contained in CV1.


Just to repeat, I think you are forgetting


the final write operation.

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Just like to finish this thread off by thanking you guys for the help and assistance, I am pleased to say that this weekend you guys help me iron out all the final bugs and my set is up and running and I'm already looking at ways to extend. All the best.



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