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CV's - Reading and Writing

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You may say contact RM support but, I will put the issue here first to see if anyone knows the answer.


I put a loco on my test track, in RM click to read the loco's CV's, it says reading... and after a while goes back to a blank list.




tried it a second time and exactly the same, not showing me one CV?


Knowing the loco would be CV 003 and wanting it to be CV 036 I put 036 in the cell for the train CV and clicked write CV. At this stage all the CV's read showed up, it wrote the CV


and verified it.


I tried the above with another loco and exactly the same happened?


Does anyone know why after reading the CV's it doesn't show any of them and remains blank as it was when I started to read them?



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I'm not an Expert by any means and I cannot answer the above question but some may find it confusing when you refer to the loco being CV003 and wanting it to be CV036. You are referring to the loco address which is set in CV1. Changing the value


of CV3 affects the acceleration rate and CV's 36 to 46 are used for something called Output loc!

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And by test track assume you mean programming output/track. Very strange that it will not read if it can write. Can't help on that one. Could try some gentle pressure on the loco while it tries to read but shouldn't be needed if contact is good enough


for writing.

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I have run the procedure again and result as follows...


Put the loco on the program track...


Tried to read cv's. Said reading, after a while ended clearing the table all cells blank.


When I had tried twice with no luck, I decided to


try write cv changing loco address for cv1 from what showed as blank (would have been 003) to 036. Once I did this and clicked write, it wrote the changed loco address and verified it. At the point of starting to write the loco address the other addresses


peeviously read but not confirmed showed up in green.


So it appears to have read the cv's but not triggered to finish and show the results? Starting to write the new address obviously corrected this and changed the loco address.


I then tranferred


loco to main track for testing and it worked on 036?




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cruiser said:

would love a good book explaining cv's and writing to them

Once you know how, you'll realise the manual is the good book you are looking for. But I agree many have trouble following it.

HRMS wrote a couple

of good posts on this some time ago. You could do a forum search to find it. However, it may be simpler to go back to the forums listing and click on their entry which is showing under the Trackmaster forum. This will bring up a list of all their posts which

will allow you to check back to the correct ones. Give it a try and I might just do a search myself and see if I can find it.
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Fishmanoz said:

Found it. Have a look at the HRMS post on https://www.hornby.com/forums/hornby-forums/hornby-railmaster/5777/ then go to page 6 where they go further on long addresses.

Hi Fishy

I have checked the link

and page 6 as stated but, it is not a long address issue?

I am changing CV1 from loco address 003 to 036

To recap...
It says reading waits a few minutes then stops with nothing in the cells, as if not read.
I tried more than once same result.

loco was factory set at 003 I typed 036 in the CV1 cell and clicked write CV
At that point it not only started writing then verifying the new address it at that point then showed the results of the CV's previous read, which didn't show up after reading


It is a weird one, as hard to explain but, it seems after reading the CV's it is not publishing/showing the results of the read. Same with other loco's also so it is not just one train.

I hope this is making sense, not sure what to

do, other than contact HRMS

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PJ_model_trains said:


You may say contact RM support but, I will put the issue here first to see if anyone knows the answer.

I put a loco on my test track, in RM click to read the loco's CV's, it says reading... and after

a while goes back to a blank list.

I tried it a second time and exactly the same, not showing me one CV?

Knowing the loco would be CV 003 and wanting it to be CV 036 I put 036 in the cell for the train CV and clicked write CV. At this stage all

the CV's read showed up, it wrote the CV and verified it.

I tried the above with another loco and exactly the same happened?

Does anyone know why after reading the CV's it doesn't show any of them and remains blank as it was when I started to

read them?


For future reference for the forum HRMS's reply is...

Taking your first point, trying to write 36 to the loco without first being able to read it is not wise until you have found a solution to the simple issue of

not being able to read CVs first. If you cannot read CVs it follows that you will not be able to write to them.

There are several factors which can affect the reading of CVs. Can we assume that locos run on your main TRACK output with their default

IDs? You imply from your second point that you are able to run locos which rules out one major factor: communications between your PC and eLink and your eLink driver.

Therefore the problem must lie with either the connection to your programming track

or the loco itself. Having said that you have tried two locos it is highly unlikely that two locos are at fault and so it is almost certain that the issue lies with the connection from the PROG output of your eLink unit to your programming track. Check the


1. Use a different cable and ensure that the metal of the cable is actually making contact with the two PROG output holes on the eLink.

2. Ensure that you are not using an analogue power connector or track for your programming track.

An analogue connector has a capacitor in it which disrupts the DCC programming signal. See the latest news section in RailMaster for details (Western Master train set and analogue power track).

If this still doesn't work then you may have a faulty PROG

output on your eLink, although this will be the first time we have seen this.

I have replied to the email and stated that although, as they say, it is not wise to write a new loco address if I cannot read the address first the reading of the addresses

was successful but the results were not shown. The reason I can confirm the reading was successful is because when I started to write the new address all the results that should have showed up in the read showed. And the write and verify worked without a problem.


will try another cable and see if it works.

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You do not say (or I didn't spot) if you are using eLink with RM or if you have an Elite.

If the latter can you do what you are trying to do outwith RM using just the Elite.

The likely cause is a Prog output failure which has been seen on the Elite


(mine failed) if not known yet on eLink.

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Pleased to help, PJ. You're making a splendid attempt to build your railway, certainly faster than I can develop mine. Having heart problems myself, I hope you can take comfort from the fact that these cardiologists are pretty smart and can do lots of


things to help. Best wishes to you and your wife.

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St1ngr4y said:

Hi PJ,
I hope you and your wife are feeling better. Did you manage to resolve your CV reading problem?

Hi Ray

No not yet, we went away for a couple of days, a change, a rest, time together. My

wife is still having chest pains but is a lot better today, she is waiting to see the specialist. Thanks for your kind thoughts, it has been trying times for us both this last year.

We got home yesterday but have not had RM on yet. Today I have been

working on a Metcalfe's card kit. Making a low relief station and a Railway Inn Hotel out of one station kit. I will have got the two buildings out of a £13 kit!

I will add it to the layout building on the forum when complete

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PJ. Please take a lesson from me. You should really order an ambulance when your wife gets chest pains, especially if persistent. This way you can circumvent having to wait to see a cardiologist, by which time something could unfortunately develop, as


it did with me.

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St1ngr4y said:

No one has asked this question...
Are you entering in the boxes provided, the range of CVs which you want to read?

Hi Ray

Thanks for your patience reason for delay in writing confirmed


I changed the wire as suggested by Hornby, a good idea when trying to find a fault but, it didn't sort the problem.

I read your statement and thought interesting how easy it is to overlook not checking those but, when a fault bugs

you, you tend to look for the obvious thinks and those items previously set up don't spring to mind. I guess worrying about my wife didn't help either.

I checked the Read CV set up and for some reason it had changed to...
Read from 150 to 150 time

150??? (or they may have all been 250 cannot remember now)

I reset these 0 to 255 at 6 seconds intervals and they worked.

Many thanks for your help (Everyone)

I wish I could export the CV values, hopefully in the next RM upgrade or Version

2 but until then I am re-reading all loco addresses and storing in a spread sheet in Excel.

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Graskie said:

PJ. Please take a lesson from me. You should really order an ambulance when your wife gets chest pains, especially if persistent. This way you can circumvent having to wait to see a cardiologist, by which time something could

unfortunately develop, as it did with me.

Hi Graskie

Thanks for the advise. She sees a specialist tomorrow so see what he says. They are now wondering (which means they don't know) if it is the drugs she is on for her Rheumatoid and Osteo-Arthritis.

She is on a cocktail of drugs including a chemo drug (not cancer) they think it may be one of those or several. She has to carry a book around where ever she goes showing medication and results of blood tests now taken every couple of weeks. She cannot take

any other drug without first seeing a doctor, crazy what they give people to take now a days.

Thanks again for your advice, I hope you are OK now.

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