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Railmaster / accessory decoder issues.Can anyone help ?

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Hi, I have 6off accessory decoders ( R8247 ). Yesterday morning 2 of the decoders would not talk to RM or Elite . I originally programmed them with the Elite, but decided to try programming them via RM. ( not good with computer, but I thought old dogs


should try new tricks) 5 out of 6 went ok, but the 6th one would not ( kept getting message that decoder not being found) . So I tried programming via Elite but no joy. Sent decoder back to Hornby this morning to see if it can be cured. Then whilst I was working


on uncouplers 1 of the ports on another decoder would not respond from RM buttons , works ok from Elite . Tried re-programming via Elite , but no change. I am beat. Any thoughts please. ( P.S : Hornby sub-surface point motors.) But , also this morning RM lost


the Elite ( Comm port changed on it,s own )

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Hitter, I'm assuming you solved the com port issue by putting the changed number into RM Setup.


On the decoders, I think you are going to find the second one is also faulty. Before these decoders went off the shelves some 12 months ago, there appeared


to be a high instance of faulty ones from what people were reporting here. In fact, I believe that st least one of the reasons for continuing lack of supply is due to this having to be fixed.

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Hi Fishman, thanks for the reply. I was thinking it might be. At £38 it,s a sore kick ( I can get a day on Loch Leven for about that price) . I am not confident about this PC Modem ,my pal is going to clean up my old one and I will be change over to that.


Probably not related, but I never had any problems with points , comm ports until I put the Bus supply in. Yes, Put to Comm 2. I will have to wait and see what transpires with decoder at Hornby Repairs. Hopefully repairable. Thanks for your reply.

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Fishmanoz said:

Sorry, I know the name is gitter, this was just iOS 7 autocorrect trying to be helpful and failing.
Well, don't use that facility, Fishy. I won't ever use it because of misleading interpretations of what has been typed

and what it thinks you perhaps wanted to say. Or are you using the Aussie version?
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99% of the time it works like a dream Graskie and I wouldn't be without it. And it even learns as you go so, for example, it puts a red line under Graskie every time I type it but doesn't try to autocorrect it as it knows I use that combination of letters.


It's (note it put the apostrophe in that for me, very useful and I miss it when on the laptop) just the 1% you have to watch out for. In fact, it's almost essential on the iPad which doesn't have a physical keyboard.

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gitter said:

Hi, I have 6off accessory decoders ( R8247 ). Yesterday morning 2 of the decoders would not talk to RM or Elite . I originally programmed them with the Elite, but decided to try programming them via RM. ( not good with computer,

but I thought old dogs should try new tricks) 5 out of 6 went ok, but the 6th one would not ( kept getting message that decoder not being found) . So I tried programming via Elite but no joy. Sent decoder back to Hornby this morning to see if it can be cured.

Then whilst I was working on uncouplers 1 of the ports on another decoder would not respond from RM buttons , works ok from Elite . Tried re-programming via Elite , but no change. I am beat. Any thoughts please. ( P.S : Hornby sub-surface point motors.) But

, also this morning RM lost the Elite ( Comm port changed on it,s own )
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Hello I have just installed railmaster and was trying to programme decoders can they be programmed if already attached to track and how do you do it I have tried to follow manual.

If you have R8247 PAD's they

need connecting to the PROG terminals, one at a time to programme.
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Dave, before we get to accessory decoders, could I start by giving similar advice to what I gave you on your last question - you are often better off starting your own new thread to answer your particular question than putting you question in the middle


of another thread.


In this instance, you have posted on the end of a thread answering gitter's question about faulty R8247s. So our first assumption in answering your question is that it relates to the same decoder, and maybe it is faulty. Then maybe


this is not the case?


More generally on accessory decoders, a simple search by their name on the forums will find you extensive detail on at least half a dozen different types, including how to successfully power them, and program them. Across these


types, there are 3 ways to power them and two basic ways to program them. So the first thing we need to know from you is what type of decoder do you have? Without this info, we have little chance of helping.


It would also be good to know what you have


tried and didn't work. This will help us narrow down your problem and get you an answer more quickly. You say the manual isn't helping but I can assure you the way it says to program the Hornby R8247 is exactly the way you program them, and similar for a couple


of others. However, I suspect you don't have these as they have not been on the shelves for 12 months. So again, what do you have and what isn't working? And have you done a forum search on that type and what in the solution others have found for it is still


giving you trouble.


Just a final point on posting here. There is no need to hit the Reply button on my post to reply. Go to the box at the bottom of the page with the green Post Reply button on it and put your stuff there. That way you will avoid reposting


this rather long post of mine and save real estate in the forum so we don't have to scroll through extra pages to find out what is happening. And on the occasion you do need to use the Reply because you have a particular reason for referring to a previous


post, then when the box for that comes up, you can put your content after the last square bracket with Reply in it and it will show up clearly what the previous poster said and separately what you are now saying.


I hope this helps you to use the forums


more efficiently to answer your questions. There are lots here who can help.

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