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ESU Switchpilot programming via E-link & Railamster

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  • 3 years later...

Hi all

Just thought I'd post as I've been through the same hell as most everyone else.

Just bought a new SwitchPilot V2.0 on ebay for £18. Having spent a lot of time and atempts to get it to work using all the variations found on the various posts I finally have it all working perfectly.

I must say it's a smart piece of kit and needs no programming , as mentioned in other posts , it learns whilst on the job so to speak. The KEY THING for me was NOT TO USE THE E-LINK to provide power to the ESU decoder , just the track connections Trk A and Trk B (connected to the Track A and Track B E-Link utputs respectively) so just use the track for sending the packets of info to the decoder.

So I then connected an old 12V 4A DC power supply (previously used for a Uniross battery charger) to the Pw A and Pw B connections on the SwitchPilot.

Then I edited my Track Layout and added four new points , chose the ESU decoder and ports 13/14/15/16 and the appropriate start position. Then saved the tack design and went back to main RM screen.

Then I simply clicked on each set of signals in numerical order e.g 13/14/15/16 and hey presto each point motor reacted exactly as expected !!

My set up is Windows 10 x64 , Hornby RM v 1.67 and E-Link controller running V 1.07.

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