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sapphire Decoder


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I learnt the hard way on that one, on the dcc loco Ive got the motor in bits again it is three pole, I cant find anything wrong except for the brushes being worn they are approx 3mm long should they be longer?


One other question are the wheel widths


on older models thicker than the new models Ive noticed that on some of the older locos they are shorting on the points and diamond crossing, the points are hornby and peco insul frogs and the diamond is peco Ive sorted the diamond crossing just ground out


the v and then filled in with plastic putty ground it back down and now ok points proving to be a little more difficult.

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poliss said:

Brian Lambert has the answer to your shorting problems on points.

Followed the link to brain lambert followed his instructions and fitted one peco electrofrog point on

one of my worst point problems and HEY instant cure no stalling no shorting just got to find the money to convert 27 more points thank you for the info.
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You were supposed to follow the link on how to get Hornby points working Charlie. *facepalm* I'll be excommunicated for pointing you to other brands of points!

(I'll bet WTD and PP don't know what facepalm means. Graskie might though.)

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I put in the P word without thinking I don't want to get anyone excomcloberated especially people who are helping and especially those who are willing to lend me money (Graskie) but if your anything like Poliss I'm still waiting for the bottle he promise


me. but you are right you cant beat live points/ Whats an idiom? I'm from the north and never heard of one.

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Idiom is a way of expression common to a particular area or group, not a misspelt unclever person, many of whom can be found all over the place, not just in the North. There's even the odd around here, and I use the term advisedly.
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Just to let you all know the layout now has all new live points fitted and WOW what a difference no stalling or shorting its fantatstic, Graskie the cheque didn't arrive so borrowed money from the wife (haven't told her yet) many thanks to all concerned.
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Now fancy being modded on a word like that... suppose I had better not mention at least another 846 words from our wonderful English language then...


Ah, the cheque... take it to the bank. You might not get anything off it though... it may bounce,


stagger down to the pub and demand drinks with menaces saying it's good for the money!


Wonder if this'll be modded for the second last m-word above :-)

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