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Reproducible running of program

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Does anyone have suggestion for making the running of the a recorded program reproducible, I have set up a program to run a loco through a series of actions with all the various points changed to go through the route. When I come to run the program, the


loco overshoots the stop point at the end of the program every time by roughly the same amount.


Any comments / suggestions on how I can improve the running of the program?





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Hi Colin,

Go into the program editor and open up the program you have recorded. Look for a program line which contains the loco which was running, and has something like "Forward to [20]" on that line. If you click the cell containing "Forward to ..."


you will find it is a dropdown list of commands which you can apply to that locomotive. Among these commands you will find these four commands -

Accelerate Forward ....

Accelerate Reverse ....

Decelerate Forward ....

Decelerate Reverse ....




will find details of how these commands work in the PDF guide, but if you get stuck, you can ask further questions here.

Good luck


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Buffer stops are my best friend when creating repeatable programs. I regularly, slowly, drive into them to "reset" the trains position. Also use locos with faultless operation, eg Any slight pause on points upsets timings.
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I have just started programming. I recorded my first program using the shunt button to get a DMU clear of the station, then cruise to get it up to speed. At the other end, I use shunt again to slow it down and finally stop.


I edited the


program changing the stop time until l got the unit to park without hitting the buffers.


Remarkably, the stop positions at each end of my return journey are consistent. As said, the loco and track need to be reliable.



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Hi Colin,

Go into the program editor and open up the program you have recorded. Look for a program line which contains the loco which was running, and has something like "Forward to [20]" on that line. If you click the cell containing "Forward to ..."


you will find it is a dropdown list of commands which you can apply to that locomotive. Among these commands you will find these four commands -

Accelerate Forward ....

Accelerate Reverse ....

Decelerate Forward ....

Decelerate Reverse ....




will find details of how these commands work in the PDF guide, but if you get stuck, you can ask further questions here.

Good luck




Thanks again

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