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ok guys, have 2 of these, one hornby, one esu switchpilot, due to no stock. Have connected hornby to prog track, and done necessary, so ok. Need to do other, same way. Wires on hornby say plus common minus, other says connect to middle 3 connectors, and shows point wires, b, a c, b to out a, a to c, c to out b. point motor says see accessory instructions for wiring, and follow, but there are not any!!!.. Here come the questions. ( 1.) presume i can connect both decoders through choc block to Elink/track . (2 ), which wiring is correct, i understand i can wire 2 points together, eg red to red etc, but which goes where. (3 ). Intende to do 1 point at a time and check they fire, all are hornby surface motors, have 14 points, and 8 terminals, so need to link. Any quesstions? no great, answers on a postcard to--------. john
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The black wire on Hornby Point motors is the common.  The red and the green go to plus and minus on Hornby decoder.

With the esu I think the black point motor wire goes to decoder connection "c" and the red and green wires go to "a" and "b"

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John, Rog has answered your wiring question, let me try on programming. For a start the 2 are similar but with a couple of significant differences. I'll start with the Hornby then explain the differences. 

Hornby by decoder programming is covered quite clearly and comprehensively in the RM manual, so I won't repeat it here. Let us know if there are any specifics you don't understand. Remember you first have to connect it to the programming output of your eLink. 

The Switchpilot is similar to the Hornby in that you have to connect it to the programming output. In fact, you must connect both the track output and the power output to the programming track, making sure both are done with the same polarity. You should either have, or you can download from the net, the Switchpilot manual and the wiring procedure is at Diagram 10. Now there is one additional requirement - you have to connect either a point motor or a resistor across the port 1 output. That is also described in the manual just near Diagram 10. Once you've wired this way, you program just like the Hornby and you can select the Hornby one from the RM accessory decoder drop down list to do it. So again, if you are having trouble with any specifics, let us know. 

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John, the Switchpilot is quite complicated with other outputs for servos etc that you don't need to operate points, and provision for a separate power supply, which you also shouldn't need (just use the track or program output as appropriate).  It really would be a good idea to look at the manual though, and Diagram 10 and the text next to it describe how to program the unit.  But I'll try to describe it for you now. 

Remembering that to program, you need to attach a point motor to port 1, look in the top right corner of the unit and you'll see 4 connectors in order TrkB, TRKA, PwB and PWA. Now you have to join together TrkB and PwB, and then TRKA and PWA, then run wires from these joined together connectors to the program output of the eLink. Now you can program as I described above. Having done this, move the wires to the eLink track output and it should operate. 

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