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Problem in my layout


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My layout is based on Hornby Trakmat with certain modifications by adding Hornby TT. It's DCC with Elite and RM, 7 points and 4 signals. I run Hornby and Roco locos and rolling stock. The layout is more than 2 years old. In recent times, in certain sections locos are stopping abruptly, needs to be pushed to to make them work. It's definitely due to power and signal disruption to the loco wheels but unable to find out reasons towards it. Also sometimes the screen of the Elite goes blank while RM is working fine. Any inputs/ suggestions will be extremely helpful.
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Either a fault in the Elite screen feed (unlikely as when anything goes wrong in this area the screen tends to gargle its dispaly not blank out) or maybe the PSU jack plug is making intermittent contact - a known problem. But if RM is still running the show then it would seem that the Elite is still doing its job or you would get an RM message about losing contact with the DCC controller.

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