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graham scholes


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There are three ways of reversing the normal direction of travel of a DCC loco.

1) Hornby Select & Elite users can correct this directly on the programming track via the console settings. This may well also apply to the eLink too? Refer to the units manual to see how to do this... Select page 12, Elite page 29.

2) Swap around the two wires (Orange and Grey) on the locos motor.

3) If your DCC system allows it (Hornby Elite and possibly the eLink? and many other makes of DCC systems) alter the value set into CV29 by adding or subtracting 1 to whatever is set currently. Example.... Read existing CV29 value  - If it reads as an even number add 1, if odd number deduct 1.  i.e. read value of 6 make CV29 value 7 or if read 7 make it 6 or for higher values  e.g. 35 make it 34 or read 34 make it 35.

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Well, if you run two DCC locos on the same DCC track, facing in opposite directions, they will move apart from each other or into each other if both are set forward or backwards respectively . There's no clockwise or counter clockwise control with DCC, as there is with analogue, WTD. So if the wrong front end is assumed, it could cause such confusion.

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Of course I forgot that Graskie. There is a front and back with DCC. 

So if you have two locos on the track facing in different directions, tender to tender for instance, and you want them to move apart you tell both of them to go forward and they will move apart. Forward will alway be pulling the tender. 

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