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Restoring a 'Battle of Britain' Body


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Evening. I have just bought a second hand 92 Squadron from a model shop which the guy was selling off for £30 as the old boy who had it from new decided to varnish it!!.
I was going to buy it a new body off Ebay but i do like the green with gold stripes

and just wondered if there is any way i can remove the crude brushed on varnish job he did without stripping the paint as well.
The varnish has been put on with a brush and some bits are heavy others are light and it currently looks like it has been rained


Any help would be greatly appreciated

Kind regards Chris
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Hi Snow man,

You couild try using 1500 or 2000 grit wet or dry paper (aluminum oxide) to sand down the teardrops in the varnish. Use it wet and be very gentle and use plenty of water, you will need to remove the body shell before you start. This

is the type of paper used to remove any blemishes caused when spraying cars.

All you will be trying to do is to level off the varnish and get rid of the brush marks. Do not try to remove all the vsrnish, as you will damage the original paint work.


may have to respray with a clear gloss varnish. Try a car lacquer from Halfords or a modelling varnish using an airbrush.

By the way make sure the model is completely dry and that there is no residue of wet or dry remaining on the model, rinse it well

with water. If you have access to a hair dryer use this to dry the body shell and use a cool air, you will be trying to evaporate any residual water not cook the engine..

Good Luck!
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Hi Snow man,
I think that no matter wat you do you will damage the paint work,have you ever painted a loco before if not why not have ago with this one.
After all you car't damage it more than it already is,and you could surprise yourself,just a

thought mate.
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Depending on how bad the brushed varnish is you could try gently polishing it with T-Cut to smooth out the brush marks and respray with a varnish of your choice (matt satin or gloss). I would sugest an enamel varnish as I have found that some acrylics

will crackle deending on weather conditions/type of paint they are covering. Note you will need to wash the body well with a light solution of washing up liquid to remove all traces of T-cut before spraying.

Finally I have found that modelstrip will

fade some factory printed finishes and is difficult to get out of fine detail.
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